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5 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
Hello! From 30.07 to 9.08 what will be the cost of living? We are 4 people, 2 rooms are needed.
7 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
The cost of living per person per day: from 05/01/2018 to 05/31/2018 is 350 UAH from 06/01/2018 to 06/20/2018 is 400 UAH from 06/21/2018 to 08/30/2018 is 500 UAH from 08/31/2018 to 09/20. 2018 is 400 UAH Children under 12 years old have a 30% discount on accommodation. Period from 07/11/18 to 07/21/18 inclusive.
7 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
7 years ago  •  1 subscriber No answers
We stumbled upon the news of July 8, 2016 about the presence of E. coli in the sea off the coast of Kurortny in particular. at-mest-kupaci.html We have a question: is your beach functioning at the moment or closed until special SES orders? Is the pool water heated? “Beaches in Gribovka, Zatoka, Sergeevka, Kurortny and Bolshaya Balabanovka in the Odessa region were banned. This was announced by the head of the department for the organization of sanitary and hygienic research of SES Elena Varetskaya "
9 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
Yesterday morning I made a subscription for booking a room. In a couple of hours I was dialing the base to extend the line of rest for two more days, but no one picked up the phone at the station number, and the mobile phone was dropped for the second day. I'm starting to worry that I got caught by fraudsters, I'll wait until Monday, if the situation doesn't change I'll go write a statement to the police.
10 years ago  •  1 subscriber 1 answer
Can I have a photo of the beach, it’s just nowhere to be found, and is it paid
10 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers There is a response from a hotelier
or from 4 to 11 July you can calculate the cost with full board and without
10 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
Where can I see prices for September? And how many days can you visit? And do you still have a photo?
11 years ago  •  1 subscriber 1 answer
Tell me how is it there? what about nutrition? they say what is included in the price of the room?
11 years ago  •  3 subscribers 7 answers
We are going for seven days - from 24.07 to 31.07 we are two adults and three children. What room is available and how much does it cost?
11 years ago  •  1 subscriber No answers
We want to relax with children, one baby is 1 year old, we have not gone anywhere for a long time before. We think that 5 days will be enough for the first vacation with a child. Chose a boarding house, they refuse to book if the stay is less than 7 days. Can you please tell me if this is legal?
11 years ago  •  5 subscribers 7 answers
11 years ago  •  no subscribers No answers
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