Related questions: Weather in Hurghada in December

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We fly to rest from 10 to 20 December. Previously been in March and November. Tell me how in December (10-20) there with the weather. Are there large temperature differences, is it comfortable to swim? Do you need sunscreen at this time? And is it really possible to tan well? Do you need warm clothes (jackets, windbreakers)? Thank you all in advance!
16 years ago  •  5 subscribers 11 answers
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In December, of course, it is already cooler than in March or November. But, nevertheless, from the rest you can get no less pleasure. During the day it is quite comfortable, but there is a wind. Drops - during the day +27 +30, at night +10 +15. Take sunscreen, it will be uncomfortable to get out of the water when it's windy. Warm clothes (sweatshirts, windbreakers) - only for the evening when you walk. Have a nice holiday! Farther...
People pliz tell me how the weather is in mid-December in Hurghada?
17 years ago  •  3 subscribers 6 answers
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Tell me, please, in early December, where is it better to relax in Hurghada or in Sharm, where is it warmer? Farther...
I'm going to go to this hotel for New Year holidays
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 10 answers
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December, like January, is quite a windy period especially in Hurghada Maybe in Sharm El Sheikh? choose a hotel in a windless bay and enjoy your vacation, eh? Farther...
Tell me, please, what is the weather in December in Egypt, Hurghada is interested in, because. I can not swim. We are going on a honeymoon trip and would like to have relatively warm weather and the sea. How is it in winter (is it worth taking some warm clothes with you), I was in Egypt only in September, so I don’t know. Maybe you can also recommend some good hotel in Hurghada, we were recommended Lilluland 4 *, we looked like nothing, but what do you think? Help make a story.
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 16 answers
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A couple of years ago I was in Hurghada, at the end of December. The water was 22-24 degrees, it suited us, though you can sunbathe from 9 to 16 hours, but we had enough with our heads. A trip to Luxor is very comfortable, there is no wild heat. They liked to walk around the city in the evenings, personally I was always in a shirt and summer trousers, some of whom wore light sweaters. How many people, so many opinions, tune in positively, and everything will be fine. Farther...
What can be the weather in late November - early December in Hurghada? I am interested in the details: the temperature of the air and water in the morning and evening, whether a cold wind blows, whether it is cold in the evenings. Please, write those who were really in Egypt at this time of the year. Thank you.
15 years ago  •  4 subscribers 4 answers
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cool and windy in the evening so warm things are very useful long sleeve, jeans, etc Farther...
How is the wind and what is the temperature? Isn't it cold to swim in the sea and is it worth going at all?
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 10 answers
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Thanks a lot! Farther...
They wanted to go to Egypt with a child on January 8-10, but many dissuade, they say, the weather is bad there at that time and the sea is cold. Guess who was...
15 years ago  •  19 subscribers 34 answers
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Thank you, Alexander. In general, what is surprising is that our Russian people live modestly in everyday life, they are satisfied with the service in stores, in the south we have housing that is not cheap anywhere, and they lie on towels on the beach, and the weather on the Black Sea is not very hot, the sea is not very hot ... Then they come to Egypt. Not only do they not give a lot of money, they start arguing at the hotel, they blame the service, and the weather is + 26 in January, it’ ... Farther...
What is the water and air temperature? Is there wind?
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 11 answers
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It is very good in Sharm (Naama Bay) in December. During the day, water and air are +26, in the evening +18, at night you sleep under a warm blanket and without air conditioning - like at home. It is very comfortable, there is no wind (it rarely happens in Naama). The tan is even, without redness, it lays down easily and without torment. In addition, prices fall in December. Farther...
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