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9 years ago  •  12 subscribers 26 answers
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I was in the Dominican Republic and Sri Lanka. I really liked both there and there. It depends on what you expect from your vacation. If you want a carefree break, fun, Latin American music, dancing, Pina Collada and other alcoholic delights and all inclusive, then you are in the Dominican Republic. emerald and ruby ​​spears, national parks where in the wild you will meet wild animals (elephants, tigers, giraffes, etc.), an unforgettable river safari along the river with mangroves, turtle farms ... Farther...
Together with a friend (both of Balzac age, but still quite energetic) we were going to go to Phuket The Kee resort & spa Patong in August (vacation only at this time) after many days of negotiations with friends (advise different things - who Phuket, who Pattaya), who rested in Thailand and viewing reviews on the Internet. We went to the travel agency, and the familiar manager does not recommend going to Phuket, he says we will be bored there. Tell me what is better to choose, I want to combine a good sea (this is important), vivid impressions and shopping. Tell us about Jomtien beach? Recommend a hotel in Pattaya, good but not very expensive.
14 years ago  •  9 subscribers 19 answers
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You definitely will not be able to combine the sea with impressions. But you can do the following. To go to Pattaya, the hotel is absolutely not important, just to spend the night. From Pattaya, make a tour of the country, gain impressions (and there will be a lot of them if you don’t sit in a hotel, but watch, watch, walk, hang out ...). For this, the hotel needs to be closer to the center. There is NO clean sea in Pattaya ANYWHERE!!! Only impressions from excursions, although it is much steepe ... Farther...
We are going with a family of children 5 and 15 years old to Thailand for the first time. We can’t stop at choosing Pattaya, Phuket or Koh Chang. I want to relax normally, so that the sea is clean and the hotel is normal, at the same time I go on excursions. The reviews about Pattaya are terribly scary - the dirty sea, the streets are generally a nightmare, I generally keep quiet about outright revelry. Is it really so? Please tell me who has been more than once how and where it is better to relax in Thailand in order to get a good impression of the country. Thank you very much!!!
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 9 answers
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Chang Island - sea and sand; Pattaya - country Phuket is somewhere in between... Farther...
Help guys))) my husband and I are at a loss where to go) It seems like we decided on Krabi, but I read the reviews - they write that it’s boring there ... Now we are thinking about Phuket. But I’ll make a reservation right away, I want to relax not in a three-story hotel at 5 *, but where in a bungalow and a minimum of people)) So we rested on Samet and liked it) Share the information, please)))
13 years ago  •  5 subscribers 4 answers
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You are young, it is better for you to go to Phuket, to Patong. Farther...
Is it not very far and expensive from Kata to get to Patong in the evening for entertainment and is the sea in Graceland dirty? Thanks)
14 years ago  •  6 subscribers 11 answers
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Do not listen to anyone - go to Kata Beach. Hotel on the first line. Infrastructure across the road. Near everything! Exchange office, restaurants, shops, taxis. The hotel is a great foursome! No construction sites nearby. Quiet, calm and without too much pathos. Graceland stands on the second line, the sea in Patong is muddy everywhere, the beach itself is noisy. There is a Muslim cemetery across the road from Graceland =)))) Imagine, they give you a room with a view of the garden - you come to ... Farther...
Please, please advise! We want to go to Phuket in the month of JUNE (2 adults and a child of 11 years old) for 14 days, I would not like to spend the whole vacation within the walls of the hotel, is it worth going in June?
14 years ago  •  8 subscribers 13 answers
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Perhaps he was vacationing in Patong - then everything is clear ... Patong-urban beach, Kata, Karon - clean beaches with clear water! Farther...
vacation according to the schedule for November and November 24 silver wedding. I want to go with my wife. It seems like a gift.
14 years ago  •  9 subscribers 26 answers
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if you were planning a beach holiday then Turkey is definitely NOT an option it will be cold to sunbathe I'm not talking about swimming in the sea Maybe to Egypt? it will definitely be warm there. Farther...
Hello! Thinking about flying to Thailand. Been many times only in Turkey. For us, a good sea is important, because. for the sake of it and we go, it is necessary for health. I heard that in Thailand there are hotels where it is generally impossible to swim in the sea. Please tell us how it is in Thailand. And please tell me suitable inexpensive hotels.
14 years ago  •  8 subscribers 14 answers
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The bad is not just muddy, but also terribly dirty, with garbage and slops. After Turkey, you simply disdain to swim in it. Yes, people swim on Koh Lan. But, keep in mind that you need to get to the pier, then dangle for 40 minutes on a boat, then tuk-tuk to a decent beach, and all this in extreme heat and humidity. If you do this every day (you are traveling overseas), then you will practically get the cost of moving to a normal island. In addition, imagine that the whole of Pattaya bathes in ... Farther...
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