Gold Coast on the Desna

11 June 2017 Travel time: with 10 June 2017 on 10 June 2017
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It seems to me that in any city where the river flows and there is a city beach, it will be called "Golden Beach". Chernihiv was no exception and its only official beach (the rest are places for swimming: behind the hotels "Bryansk" and "Park-Hotel", behind the boat station, etc. ) with a passport and officially approved for operation is named that way. Because r. The gum, as it were, washes the city, then you have to get to the beach. It is possible from the historical Val and further korchiki. It is possible from the Red Bridge and further (more pleasantly). Or you can go through the City Park (you can walk straight and beautifully through the park and get burned before and after).

The beach has a duration of about 300 m. The gum of the river is peculiar, with the current, so annually blends all the sand from the beach and it causes inconvenience, because it should be returned, otherwise just a steep break into the water. Previously, the problem was solved by the special means of the port - they scooped sand from the bottom with a special scoop-barge and returned it to its place, expanded the fairway and it was also good for beachgoers. And then suddenly they somehow stopped doing it....In the year of 2015, at the end of the summer, there was even a situation that it was possible to cross the river “knee-deep”, which is simply amazing for such a full-flowing river. But, in 2016, beautiful quartz white sand was suddenly brought in from the Blue Lakes (1200 tons at 140 hryvnias per ton, according to media reports), some were confused, because according to unverified data, it is a little phonite. Although, the beach did not become less crowded, as the authorities seriously took up the arrangement of the "Gold Coast". According to unverified information (media), they were going to invest from 3-5 million hryvnias. In the 2017 season, it was planned to bring sand within 500 tons, which would cost about UAH 80.000. (Information from the web).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The trampoline, tennis table. There is a restaurant with the same name. Equipped parking for cars (paid). Last year, during the beach season, there was even a bus to the beach.

Measure words 2016: " We have to make a European beach with modern parking with video surveillance, with cafes, bars and the like. In order to do all this, we must hold a competition. Who can organize all this - let him do it. Chernihiv residents should get a modern beach with all amenities. ” Who could? : ).

It should be noted that on the "Golden shore" a strong flow of not only sand from the beach, but also a natural relief of the bottom. Therefore, the bottom cascades, you have to be careful! Every year, about 30 people drown on the beach (in 90% of cases due to alcohol abuse and non-compliance with at least basic safety precautions).

In May 2016, the water area of ​ ​ the city beach was examined, during which the Aviation bomb was raised from the bottom of the Diver River. This is a World War II fragmentation bomb AO-2.5 RTM, which was located a few meters from the shore. The bomb was taken out of the city and defused (Irene, we also have it! ). In December 2016 there was another case on the beach - a passenger car drowned: at full speed it flew into the water, under the ice. Searched for a long time, as the current. The driver was a dentist born in 1974. People came running to watch how they were looking for and pulling them out, but it took several days.

                                              Reconstruction of the Zolotoy Bereg beach ! There was a scandal with laying a convenient road to the beach. Then with unauthorized felling of trees (now they plan to plant trees and shrubs, including restoring the grass cover). There was a curious moment with the replacement of the locker rooms (the old ones were demolished, but the new ones were not installed - some appreciatedand on themselves). And yet (we are so happy, so happy : ) - it is planned to build a VIP zone! Of course paid. And even a fresh water pool! I can't appreciate the joke of humor (although after ODessian Arcadia it should be). In summer, this beach is even very crowded and crowded, because ordinary people have nowhere to go, and then there are these vips. People in cars, apparently, also have nowhere to go, although there are enough beautiful places outside of Chernihiv (the same Snov), but everyone by car is also here. It’s good that zones are planned for people with disabilities (even a ramp for descending into the water) and modern storage roomy toilets, not bio (I won’t believe it until I see it). So here life boils and gurgles (sorry for the pun) all year round.

Our season opens late - from mid-June. But, strong grandparents have been sunbathing since March, and this tan, unlike the sea tan, is “washed off” badly. So there are delights of a beach holiday on the banks of the river - a “golden” stable tan is guaranteed to you. So if you come to visit and see the sights, we also have a beach in the summer. : )

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