"Siver Vikings"

18 October 2016 Travel time: with 23 July 2016 on 24 July 2016
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              The annual summer festival in the Chernihiv region is the most interesting event in the life of the region, which is worth coming to (preferably by car). Previously, it was held near Chernigov in the village of Shestovitsa. This year in the city, near a wild beach on the Desna River in fields and forests (it takes a long time to get there on foot, and by car along country roads). Since it takes place at different times and in different places, the notification is not very successful (since the place and time are not clearly indicated), many do not know about it. This is a shame, as the event is worth attention for fans of history and jousting, as well as children. This is an interesting weekend trip: to see the festival and the sights of Chernihiv.


This 2016 festival of medieval culture and historical fencing tournament "Siver Vikings" was held on July 23-24, as mentioned above - on the banks of the Desna River. Not far from the fashionable Park Hotel and not the fashionable Bryansk.

Input value: 1 day - 50 UAH, 2 days - 80 UAH. Entrance for ATOvtsiv and children under 12 years old is free.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       A and accurate).

From all this, I managed to shoot only fights and costume characters. There were also sales from stalls of artisan products (including sweets and drinks). The organization of support is generally tolerable. The main thing is that in the future there should be more clear information and advertising of this action among the public (and not in “narrow circles” of like-minded people), so that those who wish can prepare in advance and come to see (or participate). I propose to plan such a trip for the weekend in the summer next year!


http://www. ufest. in. ua/ru/fest/festyval-srednevekovoy-kultury-y-turnyr-po-ystorycheskomu-fehtovanyyu-syverskye-vykyngy

As it was in 2014:

http://www. gorod. cn. ua/news/gorod-i-region/56672-siverskie-vikingi-novyi-festival-zarodilsja-na-chernigovshine.html

And a very interesting article about the essence of the festival:

http://primetour. ua/ru/company/ articles/yak-vikingi-na-chernigivschinu-povernulisya.html

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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