Blue Lakes

01 august 2016 Travel time: with 29 July 2016 on 29 July 2016
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In the north of the Chernihiv region, not far from the border with Belarus (Repkinsky district, the village of Oleshnya), there is an interesting place to relax - Blue Lakes .

Blue Lakes formed due to the flooding of sand quarries, previously quartz sand was mined in them. The bottom of the lakes is covered with deposits of quartz sand, so the water has a bluish-turquoise hue and is quite transparent. There are only three lakes (although some believe that 4 is a moot point, as it turned out):

1) Large lake (20 ha);

2) Far Quarry;

3) Station lake;

... The lakes are up to 20 meters deep. The lakes were rich in fish, in 2002, trout was grown here. But, locals believe that fishing here is modest, with luck you can catch perch, pike, carp.

Lakes are among the pine forest, it is believed that the connection of these facts makes air healing. It was nice to breathe. There are many berries (raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blackberries) and mushrooms (Polish white, rarely mushrooms). But, not all places are cultivated with bathrooms, so everyone “goes”, so to speak: “everyone goes to the garden! ", i. e. , into the forest.

On 2 lakes there are specially equipped recreation areas, arbors, toilets, water slides, and various sports grounds. There are many houses, there are places for tents (camps are set up along the entire shore of the lake). There are no restaurants, only drinks, snacks, barbecues. But entrepreneurs are on the alert...something new can always appear.

There are stores in the village (but do not count on a rich assortment), take products better with you, in addition, the Vegetables are sold and they sell vegetables and the Knipinsky highway and fruits.

. And there can be problems with communication in principle.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . From Kyiv to the lakes 200 km along the highway and then 10 km to the village of Oleshnya. From Chernigov - 60 km, from Repoki - 24 km, to the border with Belarus - 18 km.

Near the lakes there is a railway station Gribovaya Rudnya, three electric trains go there from Chernigov a day (a little more than an hour, but the schedule may change ). But if you go with an overnight stay, then there will be too many things and products to carry. It's better to come by car for the weekend.

This place is more popular every year, so it is cramped.

You need to take care of both renting a house (not cheap) and places for tents in advance.

. But we saw youth companies and bikers heading deeper. Here are the places of summer festivals.

In the village of Oleshnya, the Lindfors Manor-the house where Sofia Rusova was born in the ad girl Lindfors (1856-1940) The founder of local preschool pedagogical teacher and creator of the first Ukrainian primer. So, this estate is not only a museum, but also a tourist complex: you can live here.

....The water is clear and unusually turquoise. Pine air is amazing. All pricing information can be found online. The place is worthy of attention.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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