Sedniv on the river Sniv

13 September 2015 Travel time: with 04 September 2015 on 06 September 2015
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This year is pleasantly rich with its discoveries in the bosom of travel - it turns out that if you start living without putting it in a long box, you can make a lot of interesting discoveries around you. My new discovery, you could say, is a river pearl (that is, a great rarity) that few people know about. This Sednev is an urban-type settlement in the Chernihiv district of the Chernihiv region, located on the banks of the beautiful river Sniv (a tributary of the Desna). The population is only 1.353 people, and that's great, because the city is soothingly attractive after the hustle and bustle of big cities, especially cities. It is quiet and deserted, and picturesque and provincially relaxing.

People turned out to be nice and responsive - they greeted strangers, showed them the way, treated them to plums and apples, poured free coffee in a village shop… We just got rid of it… Carp, against the background of other towns in the Chernihiv region, which did not impress)… But I managed to meet only now and living there for the weekend, I can say with confidence - I liked it! I have always loved Dreams, unlike Desna, and now I understand that I am not alone - otherwise people would not settle here.

And Slavic settlements became the basis of what arose in the VIII - IX centuries. cities. Remains of the ramparts of the ancient city have been preserved in Sedniv. It was first mentioned in chronicle sources in 1068 as the ancient Russian fortress city of Snovsk, a city in the Chernihiv principality that existed in the 10th and 13th centuries on the Snov River, a right tributary of the Desna.

The Tale of Bygone Years describes the battle of Prince Sviatoslav Yaroslavych with the Polovtsians on the outskirts of Snovsk. It was near him in 1068 that Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavych with three thousand soldiers defeated a 12.000-strong army of Polovtsians! About 1149, the Kyiv Chronicle mentions the Snovska Thousand (the ancient territorial core of the Chernihiv land) as a territory within the Chernihiv principality.

The only known prince of Snov is Rostislav Yaroslavych, in his baptism Ivan (1171 - after 1212) was the prince of Snov (1181 - 1203), Vyshgorod (1212), son of Yaroslav of Chernihiv and his wife Irina. In 1203 he was the only prince mentioned among the Olhovichs who took part in the defeat of Kyiv. In 1212, together with his brother Yaropolk, he was captured in Vyshhorod during the campaign of Smolensk princes against Vsevolod Chermny. 11.08.

In 1187 he married the daughter of Vsevolod the Great Nest (Grand Duke of Vladimir in 1176 and the tenth son of Yuri Dolgoruky) Vseslav.

No information about the children has been preserved.

In the XII-XIII centuries Snovsk was part of the Chernihiv principality.

Snovsk is also mentioned in the Galician Chronicle in 1234, where it is mentioned among the cities of the Chernihiv principality, which was captured by the troops of Danylo Halytsky and Volodymyr Rurikovych.

Destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars during the invasion of 1238 - 1240, as well as the entire Chernihiv region and other important cities Khorobor and Orgoshch, which all forgot.

From this period the city declines.

In the 1350s the city became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In 1527 Snovsk is mentioned as a settlement "with 50 smokes" in the "Memory", which describes the cities of Chernihiv-Siversky land, which passed in 1503 from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the Russian state.

At the beginning of the XVII century the village of Snovsk, also known at this time as the village of Knyaginine, ceased to exist.

After the Chernihiv lands became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1618-1620, the settlement of Sedniv was founded on the territory of the former village of Snovska.

In 1638 Sednev is mentioned as a town with "80 smokes", on the territory of which a noble castle was built.

In 1648-1781 Sednev was the hundredth town of the Chernihiv Regiment, the patrimony of the Lyzohub family.

In the 1870s, it became one of the centers of populism in the Chernihiv region. In 1917 Sednev became a member of the Ukrainian People's Republic. The village is included in the list of historical settlements of Ukraine, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2001. And that says it didn't matter.

It is very interesting from a historical point of view, and at the same time picturesque, and clearly underestimated as a tourist center.

In 2009, President Victor Yushchenko signed a decree "On some measures to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the village of Sedniv, Chernihiv region. " The President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers and the Chernihiv Regional State Administration to create the Lyzogubiv Estate State Reserve.

I will note that there have always been pioneer camps, so Sednev is quite suitable for recreation in the bosom of native nature - here forests, destinies, hills, the beautiful river Dreams.

Knowledgeable people have bought houses here and enjoy the temperate climate and silence away from the crowds, because extreme or exotic vacations sooner or later get bored and want peace, unity with nature and the noosphere. this is the luxury of our time…. Collect gifts of forests. Just do nothing while looking at nature and enjoying life ....

This should be appreciated by living here, not jumping for a day in a short tour under the slogan "look there - look here"… Nonsense all this… it's not a vacation…

We managed to live here, because the cottages began to surrender. Getting here from Chernihiv is easy - the road is great! Searching for our house, we had to meander around the town for a while, going down to the river, but everything is too picturesque and interesting… And to live in a hut on the banks of the magical river Dreams - I could forever!

We didn't manage to see everything because of the weather, but what we managed to see was interesting and pleasant, and that was not enough…

I do not think that the city has prospects as an industrial or shopping center, but as a zone of quiet recreation and family tourism, it has the potential that can and should be developed and promoted. As they say - a small spool, but dear!

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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Наверное визитка Седнева - деревянная церковь, где снимали финальные сцены советсвого ужастика
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Камяница Лизогубов, 1690 г.
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В имении не администрация и не банк, а школа! Может это станет хорошим примером? Планктоном без образования проще управлять, но в целом для страны быдло - это плохо! Хорошо что в Седневе понимают важность образования!
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Судите сами
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Я вам скажу честно - вид восхитительный! Мы верещали от восторга! Прекрасное - рядом! Поднимите свои веки!
Вид из альтанки Глибова - попробуйте увидеть сами!
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Мы не смогли за один день увидеть все церкви, а потом погода помешала.... но тут их много!
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Стучите и откроют....
Как же тут тихо.....
Все ниже к реке....
Гусики и песики на тихой улочке.... лепота....
Мы вернулись в нашу хатынку....  Вам понравилась прогулка? Нам не хватило времени увидеть все..... но хоть немного....
Прелестная речка Снов....
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