Questions about Magic Caribbean Monastir 4*Hotel selection

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5 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
We are going to this hotel with accommodation in a bungalow. Tell me where and how the bungalows near the sea and further from the sea are called. Which rooms will be better with a child and which ones are better?
11 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
1. What should I use to slide down the slides in the water park? The pictures do not show the "cushion" (as in Egyptian water parks. "On the priest or what? Or do you have to buy it yourself? Which ? Where? How much? 2. Are there shops near the hotel (preferably a supermarket with fixed prices)? Pharmacy? 3. Where and what kind of cream should I buy from jellyfish? 4. Is it really terribly stealing from rooms? Do you want to take a tablet, a phone with you? Do you carry it with you in your bag all day long? 5. Do I have to pay for a "Good Room" right away? Or is it a matter of luck? 6. Is it possible to swim in the sea in the evening and early in the morning? For example, in Egypt they are not allowed. Thanks in advance for your replies. Marina.
12 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
Please tell me I'm going to this hotel in June. The hotel, as I understand it, consists of two coruses Garden and Cancun. Somebody agreed on the spot and for what amount to change the Garden to Cancun.
12 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
Please tell me who changed the garden rooms for Cancun and how much does it cost? And who better to contact? Thanks!
12 years ago  •  1 subscriber No answers
I'm not picky, it's just that such conflicting reviews make it difficult to adequately evaluate the hotel ... Who praises, pours, who almost obscenely covers it. Maybe everything depends on the person, who will be more nimble and more sociable, and the number will be good, etc. I am traveling with my son 7 years old, from 02.06 to 16.06. I choose a hotel solely because of the slides and the "bibligoshi" club, I want the child to be interested. It’s not the main thing to eat, it’s just that you need to eat somehow for 2 weeks, and preferably without poisoning. So doubts torment me: take this hotel or consider another one???? Who was, help advice, pliz!
13 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
Is it the same hotel under different names or are they two different hotels?
16 years ago  •  5 subscribers 4 answers
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