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Tell me, are Raiffeisen Bank cards serviced in Tunisia? Can I withdraw money from an ATM?
7 years ago  •  8 subscribers 4 answers
Hello! I issued a ticket to Tunisia, with the condition that the flight was from Nizhny Novgorod, after some time the operator notified that I would have to fly from Moscow. In Nizhny on July 1-2, the World Cup will be held, and the airport suspends flights, they offer compensation of $ 20, although if I had known that it would be so, I would have immediately issued a ticket with a flight from Moscow, and it would have cost five thousand less. What should I do?
7 years ago  •  1 subscriber No answers
how is it there?? it seems to me that there will be “not very good”, since there are only negative reviews ... the most interesting question is safety! How is law and order there? what is the attitude towards the Russians? after all, there are only Arabs .. and in general, good people who rested there, name at least a couple of pluses of a holiday in Tunisia (if there are any at all). thank you in advance)
12 years ago  •  31 subscriber 64 answers
I have a tour in CARIBBEAN WORLD BEACH AZUR 4 - this is the CARIBBEAN WORLD network and they are located nearby on the same territory. But maybe someone has more information, and was already this year? And what else can you buy in Tunisia?
12 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
Tell me who was in CARIBBEAN WORLD BEACH AZUR 4, this is one hotel from the CARIBBEAN WORLD chain. The agency said that it was the best of all. But there are no reviews for it. This explained that we have not yet sold it. In general, it’s rather dumb to go without knowing exactly where.
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 7 answers
I read that shorts and bare shoulders are not allowed
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 3 answers
we are going in August, the aggravation was in the 20th of July ...
15 years ago  •  4 subscribers 2 answers
tell me a good hotel. the child is 4 years old. is it really possible to relax there?
16 years ago  •  6 subscribers 4 answers
I need a voucher in Tunisia for 29.01.09 how can I get it and thanks
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers