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Somewhere I saw a price of about 20 euros per person (not a Bulgarian) - I was impressed. The prices on the zoo's website are sane, but now I think - perhaps this is also only for the Bulgarians, but for tourists there are other prices.
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 3 answers
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I was in Bulgaria 3 years in a row (the last time was in the summer of 2008). As for prices in a public place, as a rule, for Bulgarians the price is 2-5 times lower than for foreigners. Moreover, they are very clearly and even brazenly trying to deceive - EVERYWHERE in all transactions with money. Be ULTIMATELY CAREFUL in any transactions with money, especially when exchanging money. I was struck by how many attempts to deceive last year. In a store, in a cafe, in a bank - everywhere you nee ... Farther...
Friends, which city would you recommend to visit? We will stay on a sightseeing tour in Prague, and one of the days there is an opportunity to visit one of these cities. What is your opinion: which of the cities is better to visit (I'm interested in medieval architecture) or better to stay and walk around Prague for one more day? Thanks in advance!
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 12 answers
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I am for Karlovy Vary or Dresden)) Farther...
We are going to Phuket on July 24th. We heard that in Thailand there is a dolphinarium where you can swim with dolphins, does anyone know where it is, how much it costs, how to get there, programs. Information about the aquaterrarium will also be useful. Thanks to those who responded.
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
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Good day! I will break you up, because, alas, there is no dolphinarium and aquaterrarium in Phuket, but there is an aquarium (mini-oceanarium) and a zoo (although if you love animals, then there is nothing to do there). Farther...
5 years ago  •  53 subscribers 2608 answers
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Gentlemen, dear participants of the turpravda!!’ I congratulate everyone on the RETRACTING YEAR 2020!!! I wish you all health, happiness and prosperity in the new year. All new experiences and interesting tourist routes. Happy new year friends!!!! Farther...
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