Questions about Jo-An Beach Hotel 4*

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We plan to go to this hotel with a 1.4 year old baby. Accordingly, a number of questions have arisen: 1. What's with the food for such young children? Some descriptions say: children's menu and menu for babies (on request). Is it so? Those. will there be free meals for small children? 2. Offer to take 1 Bedroom Appartment. Is this a room without a second floor? And then in the photographs I saw a two-story room, but from the point of view of safety for children, a room without stairs inside is better. 3. Who even rested in this department with such little ones? How is the impression? Thanks!
14 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
I don’t understand anything at all - on half of the sites, including this one, Joan Beach is positioned as 3 *, on others as 4 *. They sell it to us as a four, supposedly we have not just a Joan Beach hotel, but also a "4 * apartment". But on the maps and in the reviews there is only one such hotel. How really? We already have to redeem the package (for early booking on May 28), but what do we take?
14 years ago  •  2 subscribers 9 answers
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