Questions about Faraana Reef Resort 4*

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Because from the reviews I realized that you can’t swim far from the shore, especially at low tide, I can’t understand whether there is something to see there or not. The husband is unlikely to want to go to the broken pier.
4 years ago  •  6 subscribers 6 answers
Tell. Many hotels in Egypt provide a baby carriage and a crib. If such a practice is here?
4 years ago  •  6 subscribers 5 answers
A question for experts, you don’t need to immediately send it to other similar discussions, I read them, finish reading the conditions of the problem. I really like Faraana Reef, I've been there five times. In recent years I have been going there to meet NG. I like the windless bay, the sandy entrance, the ability to swim directly above the coral. The wife does not like pontoons (you start immediately to the depth). This year, the eldest child turned 14 years old (the youngest is 8), so Faraana does not settle in a triple room (although we always had enough). There remains the option of 2 double rooms, and figs with it with the price, but they will settle in different places, I don’t like it ... In the neighboring SENTIDO Reef Oasis Senses Resort and Reef Oasis Beach Resort, there are no more places for 2 + 2 children either. Jaz Fanara - 4000 USD for 7 nights - somehow beyond. Please advise an alternative. Thanks in advance.
5 years ago  •  9 subscribers 9 answers
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