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Question about sanatoriums Lesnaia pesnia 2*

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Is it possible for a disabled person in a wheelchair to undergo rehabilitation treatment? Are there conditions for wheelchair movement?
Is it possible for a disabled person in a wheelchair to undergo rehabilitation treatment? Are there conditions for wheelchair movement?
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
3 subscribers  • asked 2021-11-043 years ago
Answers  •  2
аватар Morkovkin
Probably you better go directly to the sanatorium and get a full consultation at this link will be the contacts and website of the institution: on the musculoskeletal system (orthopedic, trauma), rheumatic diseases ": na-oporno-rukhovomu-aparati-ortopedichnikh -travmatological-rheumatological-diseases-47
In the Kyiv region there is a good rehabilitation complex Sosni: _dvigatelnogo_apparata/
аватар ruslandzhala
Unforeseen for wheelchair users, there are no conditions in the medical building to move around the offices
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