Lesnaia pesnia 2*– Reviews

Rating 2.010
based on
1 reviews
3.0 Rooms
2.0 Service
2.0 Cleanliness
3.0 Food
1.0 Amenities
The buildings of the sanatorium "Forest Song" are located on the territory of the national park, on the shores of Lake Pesochnoe, among a pine forest.More →
аватар serguey106
A true review of the sanatorium "Lisova pisnya" - Shatsky lakes. The location is very good - right on the shore of Lake Pesochnoye, around the forest, clean air! This is where all good things end. Since this is a sanatorium, I will start with doctors and treatment. We encountered three doctors in the sanatorium - our attending neuropathologist - did not try to delve into our problems at all, as paid patients were waiting for him, wrote out what we could tell him, and very quickly so that we would not take much of his time . … More ▾ A true review of the sanatorium "Lisova pisnya" - Shatsky lakes.
The location is very good - right on the shore of Lake Pesochnoye, around the forest, clean air!
This is where all good things end.
Since this is a sanatorium, I will start with doctors and treatment. We encountered three doctors in the sanatorium - our attending neuropathologist - did not try to delve into our problems at all, as paid patients were waiting for him, wrote out what we could tell him, and very quickly so that we would not take much of his time . Usually in sanatoriums (and we were in a dozen different sanatoriums, because we don’t like to go to the same one all the time), doctors write the date of the next visit to correct the treatment. It doesn't exist here. According to the principle "do not come, and do not interfere with me. " A couple of times we went to him to change something or prescribe something else (at the same time, we ourselves learned about some other procedures). In general, getting to the doctors is very difficult, especially in the afternoon - no one adheres to the schedule for receiving vacationers. After lunch, doctors are scheduled to start receiving at 14:00. But, before 15.30, or even 16 hours, no one appears. Of course, there is a huge queue. On the first day when we arrived, we accidentally got not to our doctor, but to the therapist, as they wrote in the booklet (by mistake, which also confirms the negligent attitude towards vacationers, the number of the therapist's office): so she us in a very rude and harsh form kicked out of the office. And another visit to the local doctors, this time a cardiologist. Our so-called "attending physician" does not know how to read a cardiogram and therefore referred us to a cardiologist for a consultation, which he wrote in our books. It was on Monday. The cardiologist just did not have a single person either in the office or in the queue. She did not want to receive us, even just to look at cardiograms, but categorically offered to come the next day on Tuesday (since her consultations are paid on Tuesday). Although the rules say that if the attending physician cannot read the cardiogram, then he refers the patient to a cardiologist for free. We didn't go the next day, of course. Doctors do not delve into people's problems to such an extent that in many cases they prescribe procedures that this person should not take. It's good if you know what you can and cannot do.
Massage. In general, the massage therapists are not bad, but they have a lot of "left patients", so your 10 minutes of massage turn into 7 minutes.
Mud cure. I have never seen such horror anywhere (and in all sanatoriums I took mud). According to the rules, after each patient, everything dirty must be removed - a dirty sheet and oilcloth, on which, together with the liquid from the dirt, sweat and various other human secretions merge. They lay a new diaper, but on the same dirty oilcloth on which several dozen people were already lying before you, maybe more, because when I picked up this thin diaper that covered the oilcloth, I was horrified, there were just worms haven't crawled yet. And women (I'm not talking about men) lie down in this mud: the diaper immediately gets wet and you - dear women - lie in that glass from everyone who was in front of you. LEARN TO RESPECT YOURSELF!
The manipulation room where injections and intravenous drips are given is without a washbasin, although the sanatorium management probably knows the sanitary and hygienic standards that a nurse must wash her hands before each injection. And here the nurse arrives in the elevator, presses the buttons there, grabs the door handles, and so on, and after that puts intravenous drips with the same hands. CHIC!!!!!!!!!
We did not receive the result of the treatment (as in other sanatoriums), although we paid a huge amount of money for vouchers.
In the dining room, distribution (i. e. , placing plates of food on trolleys, so that they can then be placed on tables) right in the corridor. It looks like this: everyone walks by, talking, coughing, sneezing, and all this flies onto the already delivered food on these carts. Not to mention the fact that soups are just water, portions for the main course are so meager that after dinner all people go to the store eat something.
Rooms. We lived in the first bedroom building. There are two-room rooms - each room is 8 meters. But it doesn't matter: you don't have to dance in the room. Everything is old, especially upholstered furniture. The sofa in the first room is so collapsed that it was necessary to put three blankets there so that you could somehow sleep on it. But they came to treat the spine. The beds in the second room creaked so much that if you turned around at night, everyone woke up from the creak. That is: as you lay down in the evening, you didn’t move anymore and all night. For all 25 days of our stay, wet cleaning was never done. It is disgusting to touch the tap in the bathroom, it is covered in black mold. The toilet stinks. And when the door to some other room opens, the same smell is heard from any. Until I asked the cleaning lady to clean the toilet and wash the bathroom floor with some kind of disinfectant, she didn’t even think to do it. Doesn't she smell it? Or is this a general attitude towards vacationers in this resort?
I was not in the 2nd bedroom building, but they said that it was even worse there. Everything is old, everything breaks.
Close to the first dormitory there is a restaurant - one for the whole district, and a disco hall. The restaurant is open until 12 midnight. By the time the drunken customers of the restaurant disperse and stop clamoring under the windows, it's already 1 am. Goodbye sleep and strong nervous system! It certainly was a brilliant idea to organize a restaurant right next to the dormitory!
The beach of the resort and the coastal zone are very good. But it will be very difficult for you to enjoy this goodness, since there is a huge area for "wild vacationers" around the sanatorium. This is a village, and a huge private sector, and specially built premises. And so all the vacationers from there, early in the morning, take up all the places on the beach, and when you come after breakfast and after procedures on the lake shore and swim, then, alas, you will not be able to find a good place. Even the benches will be occupied. And these vacationers come with huge bags of food and of course with alcohol. So you just have to sit somewhere on the sidelines and listen to their drunken speeches. By evening, the entire beach is littered with their garbage, the cleaning of which, by the way, is included in the price of your tour. AND YOU DID NOT LITTER THERE!
As you understand, the sanatorium is not guarded, and its territory is open to everyone. Therefore, along the coastal zone, "wild vacationers" constantly burn bonfires, fry shish kebabs and cook different foods for themselves. So, please, instead of clean air, breathe smoke and all for your money! But these wild vacationers are not limited only to the territory of the sanatorium: several times we drove strangers out of the building of the sanatorium, who were located there in the corridors on chairs. The locks in the rooms are old, so you can even open them with a hairpin, and there is no one in the building during lunch or dinner. SO WHY THEY WERE SITTING THERE AND WHAT THESE OUTSIDEERS WANTED - GUESS YOURSELF.
The water in the lake is good, healing: a lot of silver and glycerin. But the lake is overgrown with reeds, it needs to be cleaned. The lake is not deep - it heats up quickly, but it also cools down quickly. It was said that in 2015, when the hot weather lasted for a very long time, E. coli started up in the lake and it was forbidden to swim.
I would very much like the management of the sanatorium to read my review and at least turn a little bit towards the vacationers.
Advice. If you have a free ticket, go. At least it will not be a pity for money. And if you go at your own expense - I do not advise. There are many much better resorts.

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Корпуса санатория "Лесная песня" находятся на территории национального парка, на берегу озера Песочное, среди соснового леса.

In a hotel

Спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс, сауна, тренажёрний зал, бильярд, пляжи, катамараны, бары, парикмахерская, аптека, стоянка для автотранспорта.

The address Волынская область, Шацкий р-н, с. Гаивка, ул. Песочная 9.
Phones: Тел/факс: +38 (03355) 95 606 +38 (096) 798 3221
Email: info@lp.volyn.ua
Website: Lesnaia pesnia