На каком основании рагуль за 1,5 км. От Солнечной Долины собирает дань с каждой машины, за проезд по полю 1,5 км.? Я потвез гостей и оставаться на стоянке не собирался. Гости, в шоке, не по
On what basis ragul for 1.5 km. From Solnechnaya Dolina he collects tribute from each car, for driving 1.5 km across the field.? I drove the guests and did not intend to stay in the parking lot. Guests, shocked, not by
On what basis ragul for 1.5 km. From Solnechnaya Dolina he collects tribute from each car, for driving 1.5 km across the field.? I drove the guests and did not intend to stay in the parking lot. Guests, shocked, not by
5 subscribers •
2018-08-237 years ago