Review of Maya World Side Hotel

Written: 30 november 2019
Travel time: 10 — 17 september 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
When choosing a tour, we were guided by reviews, by price, we chose from those hotels where there were free rooms for our dates. This five was at that time at the price of a four, this also played a role. Everything was fine with the accommodation. The food is top notch, there's always plenty to choose from. I can't remember anything bad about the room. The beach is good, sandy, plus the fact that there are large awnings, not small umbrellas, it is impossible to burn. With territory order, 2 swimming pools, hillock. The beach is clean, without stones, order. There are no complaints about the staff, once we turned to them, within 2 hours they fixed the TV for us. Nothing is perfect, but we didn't find anything wrong with this hotel either.
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