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Where is better: in Tunisia or in Egypt?
People! Tell me, please, I just can’t decide: I have the opportunity to go for free to choose: either to Tunisia or to Egypt. I read a lot of reviews, but I still can not understand - where is it better ?????????? Thanks in advance for your advice.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2008-08-1417 years ago
Answers  •  25
аватар elinika
Depending on what kind of vacation you want. Calm European holiday on the beach - Tunisia. A riot of spirit, coupled with booze, table dancing, cool corals and round-the-clock festivals - this is Egypt (more Charm).
аватар elinika
Depending on what kind of vacation you want. Calm European holiday on the beach - Tunisia. A riot of spirit, coupled with booze, table dancing, cool corals and round-the-clock festivals - this is Egypt (more Charm).
аватар Turist003
If you want to dive and see beautiful fish, I advise you to Egypt, and if the beach is with white sand, then to Tunisia
аватар kiya
Watch when you eat! In summer - better to Tunisia, and autumn and winter - to Egypt.
аватар burtsev_ilya
Egypt is much more diverse and also more comfortable. In Tunisia, most of the hotels, including 5 * are very old and are not being restored. Tunisia is a very small country, Egypt is more interesting and, as I said, more diverse. Yes, in Tunisia the sand is white, but the Red Sea is more picturesque, calm, healthy.
аватар zarazka
if you lie on the beach, then Tunisia with its white sand. If the sea, then Egypt, corals, fish ..
not so small country Tunisia, you can see a combination of east and europe....
аватар 57888
In Egypt, you can go diving, very beautiful sea and fish, also visit historical sites - Giza, Luxor, go to Cairo. And in Tunisia, good thalassotherapy and just relaxing on the beach. For the first time, I would definitely go to Egypt.
аватар Svet81
If you go abroad for the first time - go to Egypt - almost everyone knows Russian, there are many tourist attractions, diving, etc.
In Tunisia, Russian is not very good, and English too - everyone knows French.
аватар alika_zimm
Go to Egypt, if only for the sake of the fish. There is no such sea in Tunisia !!!! It has its own charms, BUT if you go to the island of Djerba (In Tunisia), you can go on a super excursion in the SAHARA desert. Egypt also has its own wonderful excursions, a lot to choose from. But as for the weather, it will be hot in the summer both there and there. BUT! Egypt has a dry climate, and the heat is easier to bear even in summer. It cannot be said that any of these two countries is more exotic. They are both good in their own way. You need to visit both there and there. I want to return to Egypt again and again, swim in the sea, watch incredible fish. There is no such property in Tunisia, so 1 trip is enough to understand what the resort of Tunisia is like. Have a good rest and a worthy choice!
аватар alika_zimm
And further. I agree with Svet81 regarding languages. If there is no knowledge of French, then it is better not to go to Tunisia, because I do not understand either Russian or English. And in Egypt they will talk to you in your native language :-)
аватар osmaga
Regarding the "Calm European holiday on the beach - Tunisia" I do not agree!. Yes, the sand there is really snow-white, but the crowds of local “machos” who walk back and forth along the coast and the path above the beach can by no means be called a calm European vacation! If on the beach you still have a chance to lie down calmly, then in the sea they stick very brazenly and unceremoniously. And in Egypt, no one is allowed into the territory of hotels, which, by the way, have their own sandy beaches, and you can safely sunbathe and swim there.
аватар Tatiana71
We were in Tunisia, Sousse (June 2007) and Egypt, Hurghada (July 2008). The countries are really different. Their main difference: Tunisia is a holiday in the country, you can safely walk around the city, go to historical places on your own, a beautiful beach and very friendly people. With Russian - really bad, but knowing at least a little bit of English, no problem. We had several times when a person on the street, not understanding us, took us by the hand to a person who speaks English. And everything is absolutely free and with a smile.
Egypt - good hotels and all the entertainment in their territory. There is practically nothing to do in the city. Arabs always want something from you. Most often - money.
It's difficult to travel by yourself. The guides are not very qualified - just a question off the topic of the tour, and he blinks his eyes.
And the sea is certainly better in Egypt. Warmer and prettier.
Personally, I liked Tunisia more.
аватар Guest77777
You can go to Egypt to relax at any time and at any price, but Tunisia is growing in price + this is not a year-round resort.
Tunisia is a little higher in terms of service, food is better ..
And from excursions I advise a two-day "Sahara" - just super! you will visit almost the entire territory of the country - there will be enough impressions for a lifetime!
I wish you a pleasant rest!
аватар Larik
I recommend Tunisia. The sea, the beaches - just super!!! There were no communication problems. Rested in Hammamet. Everyone knows English very well! A trip to the Sahara is really SOMETHING! Very interesting and impressive! Especially if the trip will be free for you - definitely Tunisia !!! You can also fly to Egypt in the burning winter.
аватар Azizam
I would really advise you to go to Tunisia ... especially since you are paid for it
аватар burtsev_ilya
Whoever says that it is worth going to Tunisia because of the Sahara - they simply do not know the geography! In Egypt, the desert is just outside the city limits, i.e. going there is much cheaper and closer than in Tunisia, where you have to spend 2 days on the Sahara paid for at the hotel.
Also, is the service in Tunisia lower than in Egypt, if we compare hotels of the same category? not the other way around, as some have argued.
аватар Jolie
Hello. If you want a more civilized holiday, if you are an intelligent person - undoubtedly Tunisia, since the behavior of the local population in Egypt has noticeably worsened recently. Russian ladies are treated, sorry for the expression, like a piece of meat - if you are going to go shopping, you will feel it in full. In Tunisia - white sand, comfortable hotels and more decent people, and in terms of safety - for example, I don’t hear of any incidents, like the Egyptian ones, when people die in an accident on excursions, or when on the road in the center of Hurghada hitting vacationers. In Egypt, no doubt, there is something to see-Luxor, the pyramids of Giza. But you can also go on a motorcycle safari, diving and a boat trip in Tunisia, where you can also see the Roman ruins, the Sahara. In Egypt, the sea is more beautiful, but in Tunisia the beaches are better - what could be more beautiful than white sand and the absence of corals. It was correctly noted that in Egypt the season is all year round. And in the summer it was hot there, in the summer in Tunisia, as always, a cool breeze blows and there is where to hide, it is more green there. Go to Egypt in winter or spring - autumn, charters always fly there. And to Tunisia since December, only regular flights
аватар HotLine
Geography connoisseur - burtsev_ilya. In Egypt, the desert is completely different. It doesn't even make sense to describe the difference. If the desert has a name and geographical boundaries, then it is somehow different from other territories. That is the Sahara. And if everyone writes - look at the Sahara, maybe you didn’t notice something in your geography?
аватар burtsev_ilya
HotLine: Indeed - it makes no sense to describe the difference, because in Tunisia and Egypt there is one and the same desert, which really has the name Sahara (even though you know this). Even at school they pass that the Red Sea is the eastern end of the desert.
I was 3 times in the Sahara in Egypt and 1 time in Tunisia: there is no difference between mirages, or between sand, or between oases. There are 3 differences - 1) the price in Egypt is 3-5 times lower, 2) driving from Egypt is ten times faster 3) Egypt has unique beautiful mountains of the Red Sea.
PS Bedouins in Egypt are much friendlier and calmer.
HotLine, if you want to express your opinion - first think about whether it has a right to exist at all ...
аватар burtsev_ilya
I apologize for the typo: instead of a mirage - mirages.
аватар HotLine
burtsev_ilya. I am always pleased with such bursts of professionalism on the fence. At least you looked at my profile. I looked at yours. I have been many more times in Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, Jordan, Algeria (this is only in this region). This is my profession. Now professional. From the Great Soviet Encyclopedia - “The boundaries of the Sahara are defined in different ways: by isohyets of 100 and 200 mm, by the fruiting border of date palms and by other botanical features, by aridity indices, etc .; some researchers consider the Nile Valley to be the eastern border of the Sahara. But even those who do not think so call this part of the Sahara - the Arabian Desert. You can see it, for example, on Although another part of the d’cents considers the territory of the Arabian Peninsula adjacent to the Persian Gulf to be the Arabian Desert. Well, what useful information did we tell the tourist? Except for your sweats.
Once again, my opinion is without geographical show-offs - in Egypt, the desert and the tour are completely different. She looks completely different. Exupery was a pilot for a mail delivery company on the northern coast of Africa, and there he found that inner peace that his later books are filled with.
аватар burtsev_ilya
HotLine: I don't care about your profile or Exupery at all. My profile is not edited at all (I was only in Montenegro, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia this summer), because I created it to add a description of one hotel, about which there was very little information.
I don’t understand how you added Jordan and Turkey to the same region with the countries of North Africa ... Apparently you read it in the Soviet encyclopedia.
I'm not going to argue with you anymore, because it's pointless. I expressed my point of view, and the point of view of a tourist, and not an employee of a travel agency, which may be more important to a simple layman. I gave real facts from modern encyclopedias, including Wikipedia (to which you referred), in which Egypt is listed second after Tunisia in the list of Saharan countries.
PS Do better work, rather than challenging the point of view of a person based on facts and personal impressions.
аватар ghjhtrnjh
Egypt and Tunisia are completely different countries and you need to visit wherever possible. In my opinion, it makes sense to go to Egypt in winter or early spring, and to Tunisia in summer or early autumn.
аватар HotLine
to burtsev_ilya. Oh, you are not only strong in geography. But also in determining the fate and the use of working time by other people. Listen, sir. You can go to other countries, there are still 10 days left until the end of summer. You can go to the Sahara for the 5th time, maybe you will see the difference. And we will work, sir. And now we will only write the word “meaningless”, and now we don’t care about Exupery. Don't you dare worry.
аватар zarazka
why does he travel to the Sahara 3 times from Egypt and 1 time from Tunisia??????
ok one more time.....
Or do you think that something has changed there?
the desert is the desert, it will not wither and bloom =)
I think 1 time is enough
about languages...
yes, in Egypt everyone will be happy to talk to you in our native Russian, but why fly thousands of kilometers? to communicate in Russian? our South is waiting for you =)
in Tunisia, all employees of hotels, cafes, shops and markets speak English, of course, not so hot, like super, but we don’t oh how we all know it. In order to find out the price, bargain, ask where it is, how to get there, how to get there, they will explain everything to you, it’s already a matter of Vani or Andestent or Dont Antestant =) French is the second official language, everyone speaks it, if you communicate freely on it, then there are no problems at all =)
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