Related questions: Cyprus or UAE in September

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Difficulty choosing a tour
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 5 answers
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"Lit" Dominican Republic "Punta Cana Carabela Beach 4 *, 10 nights, all inclusive for two with airfare-2879 c.u. Emirates, Al Hamra Village Golf & Beach Resort (ex. Golf Village Resort) 4* 7 days-365 USD with air travel Cyprus, Fortuna Costa Brava/Maresme, full board with airfare for two -1069 USD City/Resort: Montenegro, Petrovac Hotel: PETROVAC ****Tour price: 482 € price for 1 person in a double room And you can go on for a very long time. Depending on where you want and what budget. ... Farther...
from June-August-beach vacation
13 years ago  •  5 subscribers 6 answers
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December - India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Maldives, Seychelles, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Jamaica Of course, you choose. Have a good rest. Farther...
Tell me, what is the weather like in mid-September in Dubai with a strong heat wave?
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 11 answers
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July-August - wild humidity (it took me 2 days to feel it), I don’t consider these months at all. Yes, indeed, it can be hard for older people, but of course everyone’s tolerance for heat is different, I hate the heat in Russia and can’t stand it very well, but in the UAE it turned out that the heat is quite bearable for me. I was there myself in September (and not from someone else's words), I met families who travel to the Emirates 2 times a year. including in September, and there were million ... Farther...
It rains in Thailand, I don’t want to go to Turkey, but I don’t really know about the rest, or the prices are very ...
17 years ago  •  3 subscribers 31 answer
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Eastern Europe - the Czech Republic, Poland, if you have a seaside vacation, then Croatia, also in September it’s good in the Crimea and the schoolchildren were taken away, and there are plenty of fruits, and the sea is still warm, don’t forget Truskavets, have a good rest. Farther...
I read that Washington has set a new date for launching missile strikes on Syria on September 7-8. And what will happen to the rest, for those who have chosen Cyprus, Turkey, Sri Lanka? After all, their bases are located in Cyprus, Turkey, and the planes fly through Syria?
12 years ago  •  10 subscribers 37 answers
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When they want to strike, they strike, but they don't warn them a week in advance and don't go to consult with Putin. Farther...
People! Tell me, please, I just can’t decide: I have the opportunity to go for free to choose: either to Tunisia or to Egypt. I read a lot of reviews, but I still can not understand - where is it better ?????????? Thanks in advance for your advice.
17 years ago  •  5 subscribers 25 answers
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HotLine: I don't care about your profile or Exupery at all. My profile is not edited at all (I was only in Montenegro, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia this summer), because I created it to add a description of one hotel, about which there was very little information. I don’t understand how you added Jordan and Turkey to the same region with the countries of North Africa ... Apparently you read it in the Soviet encyclopedia. I'm not going to argue with you anymore, because it's pointless. I expressed my ... Farther...
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