Please advise good places where you can have a delicious meal, drink beer, but where exactly the Czechs go, and not the crowds of tourists, where you can feel the authenticity of Czech cuisine and the Czech atmosphere. It would be very interesting to hear the opinion of those who live in Prague or often go there.
14 years ago
4 subscribers 5 answers
best answer
Here I will advise you your awesome place! Right in the center of Prague on the street parallel to the Wenceslas area (Jungmanova 22) is called "U Balbina" (see the pictures for you (
There are no tourists there, the Czechs go there, because they have their own brewery right in the restaurant! As they say, beer, “from the saucepan right to the table”! drink in megaliters, so delicious! And then the state of this beer is not heavy, not drunk, but so cheerful ...