Hello. 19 years. Citizen of Ukraine. I want to go to Russia to meet a girl. I was rummaging through this site in search of information, I came across, for example, this topic. https://www.turpravda.ua/ua/kiev/question-7023 Concerned about the advice that it is better not to go. Why worry? Is there really anything to worry about, or is it paranoia? The political situation between countries has been very sad lately, given that I have a good attitude towards both fellow citizens and Russians. Does the situation somehow affect individual trips of people? How many people drive, including people around my age? A little confused about everything. Some say that there is nothing to worry about, others warn. I will be glad if you help me figure it out. Thank you in advance.
7 years ago
12 subscribers 38 answers
best answer
Also how they drive.
They go to work in a country that is tediously and depressingly constantly called the aggressor on all world sites.
It's as if in the forty-third citizens of the USSR would go to work in Nazi Germany)))