I'm wondering what kind of fruits can be bought at the bazaars in Sri Lanka, when do they appear and how much do they cost?
15 years ago
5 subscribers 10 answers
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ALL YEAR ROUND: PINEAPPLES (the so-called sugar ones, smaller than in our supermarkets, but sweeter - 3 pieces / $ 1 - on stalls near the highway, next to plantations, or ~ 2 pieces / $ 1), BANANAS - small yellow thin-skinned, red, green (for frying in palm oil); rose papaya / melon tree; FROM local CITRUS - LIME, NARANK (wild tangerines, brought by the Portuguese 5 centuries ago), WATERMELONS from the highlands. plantations (they make fresh!); PASSION / passion fruit - sour, aroma!!! Royal COCO ...