Related questions: How much alcohol can you take out of Phuket

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Hello! For the first time we gathered in Tai, I read that everyone is bringing fruit home: tell me how to transport them if the food is not with a suitcase, but with a bag, I'm afraid they will wrinkle? Where is the best place to buy them and which ones? How much can you take with you? Well, about alcohol: I want to bring local MCH beer home, can I? And how much? Thanks for answers!
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 25 answers
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We brought fruits in a special foam box, which are sold in supermarkets. Before departure, the fruit in this box was put in the refrigerator. I recommend fruit rambutan, lard, mango, pineapple. Beer - CHANG, SINGHA. Bottles of 0.650 l. Farther...
Friends!!! Such a question!!! It concerns Duty Free Sheremetyevo and Duty Free Bangkok Suvarnabhumi. Does it make sense to buy at Sheremetyevo? What are the prices in Thailand compared to Moscow? Will I have problems exporting the same alcohol bought in Russia from Bangkok? (i.e. bought from us, went to Thailand with him and returned with the same). As far as I know, the export of liquid up to 1 liter! Thanks to all!
11 years ago  •  7 subscribers 15 answers
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VAS - offset! :) How many in Tae was and all the time pulled the sauces in the glass. Here's the dunce!!! After all, I could buy sauce for spilling on the top of my head in plastic (given how thermonuclear it is, it will obviously be stored for a long time. Well, why is there no mind for elementary things. As for bringing alcohol to Tai, it's pointless. Their strong alcohol is inexpensive and tastes decent (the price of 0.5 liters of local brandy "100 peppers" is about 320 baht - about $ 11), t ... Farther...
Hello! Can't find any reviews for this hotel! And that's where we're going. Say something?! How much alcohol can I take / take out per person? Thanks. Andrey.
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 2 answers
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just don't sweat it. alcohol - 2 liters per person, but they do not check. for the hotel look at or - everything is clear and understandable there. Good luck!!! We are in PTT!!! Call! Farther...
customs pass? I have a friend who was going to bring a crab or a lobster to her mother in Novosibirsk, so we are wondering if customs will let such luggage through?
15 years ago  •  7 subscribers 51 answer
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going to carry a live crab? Farther...
I want to buy in a regular store (not Duty free), because in Thailand they say alcohol is expensive, and local production is not very good in quality (not counting beer). Are there any quotas for export from Russia and import to Thailand now?
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 6 answers
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I was told that there was wine, whiskey, etc. well-known brands of not very good quality. In duty free, I have not seen normal wine (Chile, Australia, South Africa), there is only Italy, France. So does anyone know what the quotas are? Farther...
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