Related questions: what is better tunisia or djerba

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We want to go in October, I can not find information
17 years ago  •  no subscribers 6 answers
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Djerba sucks... go to Sousse, Marhaba hotel, you won't regret it Good luck!!! Farther...
Good evening! Tell me which resort is better to choose at the end of May (Sousse or Hammamet), where is it warmer? And which resort do you think is better and more fun? Also I would be grateful for advice in terms of the hotel :) Sincerely, Dmitry.
16 years ago  •  9 subscribers 19 answers
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Sousse is definitely more fun! And it’s still cool to swim, the temperature regime of the two resorts is practically the same. Farther...
People! Tell me, please, I just can’t decide: I have the opportunity to go for free to choose: either to Tunisia or to Egypt. I read a lot of reviews, but I still can not understand - where is it better ?????????? Thanks in advance for your advice.
17 years ago  •  5 subscribers 25 answers
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HotLine: I don't care about your profile or Exupery at all. My profile is not edited at all (I was only in Montenegro, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia this summer), because I created it to add a description of one hotel, about which there was very little information. I don’t understand how you added Jordan and Turkey to the same region with the countries of North Africa ... Apparently you read it in the Soviet encyclopedia. I'm not going to argue with you anymore, because it's pointless. I expressed my ... Farther...
what opinions? the task of choosing where is more fun? we fly at the beginning of September to 5 * either TURKEY OR TUNISIA what advice would you give oh yes, I heard jellyfish in Tunisia in September, right? I don’t ask about the hotel because there is a choice! THANKS TO ALL!
16 years ago  •  15 subscribers 32 answers
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I will be banal: Turkey has turned into the Crimean coast but with the best service, no matter where you throw your compatriots everywhere; Tunnis is a separate story, the African coast, exotic, and there are places (hotels) where you will not find a single Russian speaker, the audience is solid Germans, French, Italians, and the level of hotels is in order - thanks to the networks that opened their representative offices there. You choose, but as a person who has visited Turkey once and three t ... Farther...
My husband and I want to go to the sea in the second week of October, but we don’t know where it will be warm to swim, relax and see the sights. Choose between Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia. Please tell me which country and which region of the country to go to.
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 6 answers
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In October, there is already nothing to do in Turkey, mostly burghers come there. They say they live there from October to March. It's cheaper than at home :) in your beloved homeland. I have not been to Tunisia, but I want to go. But Egypt in October is the most thrill. And it's better in Sharm el-Sheikh, it's more civilized and interesting than in Hurghada. Have a nice holiday! You are lucky...... Farther...
We want to go on holiday to Tunisia in May. Initially, the choice was on the island of Djerba. Now, looking through and selecting tours, doubts arose - the prices for other resorts (Susse, Hammamet, etc.) are significantly lower than for Djerba. Need advice on where to go? Also, how much money do you need to take with you?
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 5 answers
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Djerba is an island. Designed only (!) For a beach holiday. Sousse is a more youthful resort, Hammamet is a more relaxed family vacation. You need to take money from the calculation of the cost of excursions (60 USD Tunisia + Carthage; Sahara 2 days - 180 USD) + souvenirs, if you need them of course Farther...
I really want to get to the island of Djerba in Tunisia, when is the best time to go, that it was not very hot and the prices were reasonable?
18 years ago  •  1 subscriber 3 answers
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Tours to the island of Djerba are organized in late October and early November. Djerba Island is a resort of almost year-round swimming. Therefore, at this time it is no longer hot, but you can still swim. Farther...