Related questions: What to take with you to Hainan

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how much you can take with you thousand dollars or there you can change a visa from a card
13 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
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10 thousand dollars can be exported from Russia without declaring about China: 1. Foreigners who import foreign currency in excess of the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars are required to indicate this in the customs declaration. 2. When exporting cash in the amount not exceeding the amount declared at the last entry into the country, foreigners do not need to obtain a "Permit to export cash" (hereinafter referred to as "Permit"). The customs authorities, on the basis of the aforementioned dec ... Farther...
We are going to Hainan - is it hot there, should I take things with long sleeves or not? Is it very hot at this time?
16 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
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It's hot or very warm :) And in general, everything you need for a beach holiday can be bought there. Relatively not expensive. Don't be afraid of the rain. They are short lived. Farther...
Do I need to take an iron and scales (travel) with me? Or is it available at the hotel?
11 years ago  •  14 subscribers 42 answers
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I did not expect such witty answers. Did you go crazy there? Or does envy suffocate you, that's why you respond so evilly? Farther...
I'm going to Belek to this hotel for 6 days. I don’t know what else to take, beach shoes and sneakers.
14 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
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if you like to look stunning, then everything is appropriate in this hotel - couture dresses, diamonds, stilettos. Don't be shy. This is really a high-level hotel and demanding tourists rest there. But if you do not like this style, then no one will kick you out of the restaurant in jeans and you will still be there in your place - the service and education of the staff are at their best. Farther...
Tell me, with what SPF should I take sunscreen with me? And you don't really want to get burned. We are flying at the beginning of May.
15 years ago  •  9 subscribers 14 answers
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Very good sprays "Ambre Solair" from Garnier and "Nivea". The ones sold there are of much better quality than the ones you can buy here. Farther...
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