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Question to those who recently vacationed in Pattaya. How much can you buy a swimsuit? Normal, you don’t need super quality or a company, the main thing is that it’s enough for the season) I’m also interested in beach flip-flops, T-shirts / T-shirts and Aladdin pants. Thanks in advance for your help!
12 years ago  •  8 subscribers 7 answers
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August-September 2012, ordinary things: swimwear from 200 r, T-shirts and shorts from 100 r, Vietnamese took 79 r)))) Farther...
Are there women's clothes in size 52 in Pattaya? I don't want to take with me what you can buy there
8 years ago  •  8 subscribers 14 answers
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On vacation, you need to take those clothes that you don’t mind throwing away. I do. In the direction "there", of course, the suitcase will be heavier, but on the way back, after the discarded rags, there is a place for souvenirs. Farther...
if so, where is the best place to buy?
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 15 answers
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my wife says that you can find large sizes here, but you need to try very hard to find. But there won't be much choice. The day before yesterday I took such tourists shopping. He says that they found it, but it was difficult. Especially with shoes. Farther...
Recently, acquaintances returned from Tai and said that prices for everything had jumped there: food, clothes, etc. Is this true or did they think? We were last in August-September 2012. For reference: barbecue-100 baht, shawarma-60 baht, pancakes-30 baht, pineapple-10 baht, T-shirts -80-150 baht - such were the prices
12 years ago  •  4 subscribers 6 answers
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So you, firstly, were in the "off season", prices have been jumping since the beginning of December (we watched how they changed just before our eyes!), They will go down by April (probably). And, secondly, judging by your "menu", you ate normal "native" food, apparently in their wonderful eateries. Two weeks ago in Phuket prices were the same. Maybe your guys don't know how to bargain? ;) Farther...
Tell me this. They ask me to buy a bag or a purse made of a crocodile. Is it real. If so, where in Pattaya can I buy inexpensively?
14 years ago  •  11 subscribers 14 answers
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Good evening. Inexpensive things made of real leather are not worth it. Bags, wallets can be bought at the Vovan Shop, it is easy to find in Pattaya (a lot of booklets and advertisements. Buying clothes is at every step, the choice is yours (price-quality), there are a lot of shopping centers on the beach street. Farther...