Recently, acquaintances returned from Tai and said that prices for everything had jumped there: food, clothes, etc. Is this true or did they think? We were last in August-September 2012. For reference: barbecue-100 baht, shawarma-60 baht, pancakes-30 baht, pineapple-10 baht, T-shirts -80-150 baht - such were the prices
12 years ago
4 subscribers 6 answers
best answer
So you, firstly, were in the "off season", prices have been jumping since the beginning of December (we watched how they changed just before our eyes!), They will go down by April (probably). And, secondly, judging by your "menu", you ate normal "native" food, apparently in their wonderful eateries. Two weeks ago in Phuket prices were the same.
Maybe your guys don't know how to bargain? ;)