Question about hotel Pattaya Park Beach Resort 3*

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have prices gone up?
Recently, acquaintances returned from Tai and said that prices for everything had jumped there: food, clothes, etc. Is this true or did they think? We were last in August-September 2012. For reference: barbecue-100 baht, shawarma-60 baht, pancakes-30 baht, pineapple-10 baht, T-shirts -80-150 baht - such were the prices
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4 subscribers  • asked 2013-03-0412 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар V.A.S.
So you, firstly, were in the "off season", prices have been jumping since the beginning of December (we watched how they changed just before our eyes!), They will go down by April (probably). And, secondly, judging by your "menu", you ate normal "native" food, apparently in their wonderful eateries. Two weeks ago in Phuket prices were the same.
Maybe your guys don't know how to bargain? ;)
аватар 4yuka
Yes, from April prices will be lower.
аватар Smena
You need to disguise yourself as locals and prices will be more pleasant lower)
аватар V.A.S.
Smena: met in Phuket with a guide girl, possibly a Buryat woman. Little, cuddly. I wonder if she can disguise herself? :)
аватар tanyabashkatova
Were in November 2011 and in February-March 2013, the prices for fruits and food rose by 20-30 percent. We didn’t buy clothes
аватар 4yuka
Fruit prices depend on the season. For example, in April 2011 in Phuket, mangosteen prices reached 350 baht per 1 kg. And in November and December they can be bought for 50-60 baht.
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