Questions about Blend Club Aqua Resort 4*Places and entertainment

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Is this true or is it all inclusive - free of charge? Is there a charge for the disco for kids? Is there animation?
14 years ago  •  7 subscribers 11 answers
How to dress to be allowed into a restaurant? Is it possible to take some food from restaurants to the room?
14 years ago  •  9 subscribers 10 answers
Who should be tipping servants and how much? What is in the room and outside is free, and what is extra. fee?
14 years ago  •  6 subscribers 5 answers
I read reviews with a friend, I'm afraid
14 years ago  •  8 subscribers 14 answers
I have such a question. Who can tell me, for the New Year we are going to Hurghada, the AL MAS PALACE 5 * hotel, after reading the reviews we found out that the bracelets are removed at 12 o’clock, nothing can be used anymore, but after all, we arrive at the hotel only in the evening, this taken into account? and vacationers wrote that at the end they demand money allegedly for broken toilet bowls, mirrors that no one broke. Tell me how to protect yourself from the Egyptian wiring?
15 years ago  •  11 subscribers 12 answers
many complain about poisoning in Egypt, despite the moderation in the consumption of their food and alcohol, is it really that bad? Also, how far is this hotel from the sea? how long do you need to walk through the territory if you live in the most remote place?
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 11 answers
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