Reviews and stories about hotels in Uzbekistan

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Hospitality, friendliness, service are wonderful in Uzbekistan!
For the New Year 2018, we decided to go to Uzbekistan. Package tours were offered from Moscow mainly to three cities Tashkent-Samarkand-Bukhara. We thought that 3 cities are a lot for us with moving, we took Uzbekistan Airways tickets ourselves.
 •  7 years ago
Uzbekistan is a fabulous country
. Finally, a dream came true and we visited Uzbekistan. This is a magical, fabulous country. A thousand and one nights in full glory. Now in order. As we have seen several times, it is necessary to find a local travel agency - it is always cheaper, and most importantly, you can specify any additio...
 •  8 years ago
An involuntary journey through Central Asia for my aunt's inheritance.
It wasn't long before the New Year. Gifts were bought, the menu of the festive table was discussed, the Christmas tree was dressed up. And suddenly there was an ominous phone call.
 •  8 years ago
Pilgrimage to the East
Here in the ancient land, I have colorful dreams. Like a blue threshold They call me severe. Here comes a voice from heaven. All secrets were revealed at once. And over the peaceful land I see a beam above me.
 •  7 years ago
Navoi recreation center "Lazurnaya"
Good time of the day! I want to share my impressions about the trip to Uzbekistan. But now I want to write about our attempt to relax on Lake Tudakul at the Lazurnaya recreation center (this is the Navoi recreation area).
 •  12 years ago
Uzbekistan-floating tour
Uzbekistan is a smooth tour. If you have not tried Uzbek pilaf in Uzbekistan, you have lived your life in vain, and if you have tried only one type of 10-15 varieties of this masterpiece, then you do not know everything about food.
 •  14 years ago
Samarkand and Bukhara
Airlines of Uzbekistan are rightfully considered reliable. July 4 flew from Astana to Tashkent. I received a stamp in my passport, and because then he lived in hotels, everything was in order with registration: the “registry receipt” of hotels is a serious piece of paper, if you don’t lose it, then ...
 •  14 years ago
3 days in Bukhara
This was my 2nd trip to Bukhara. . . the first was alone with a group of classmates in a noisy company, I never saw all the charm of the city. This time it was a conscious trip to see the city, but I was more attracted by the opportunity to see the Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa Palace: the residence of the E...
 •  14 years ago
addition to the review "planet Uzbekistan"
It smells very strongly of PR - I’ll start with the fact that the Uzbek cops and all their services are complete bezpredelshiki who passed their control will confirm, I’ll start with the fact that practically everything needs to be declared (cell phones, photos, video cameras, jewelry, rings, earrin...
 •  15 years ago
Planet Uzbekistan
We have opened for ourselves, covered with age-old dust, the ancient doors behind which are the beautiful fabulous East, and would like to state a few dry facts about which nine-meter waves of stereotypes about this amazing country called Uzbekistan, which so frighten modern travelers, should break.
 •  16 years ago
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