addition to the review "planet Uzbekistan"

It smells very strongly of PR - I’ll start with the fact that the Uzbek cops and all their services are complete bezpredelshiki who passed their control will confirm, I’ll start with the fact that practically everything needs to be declared (cell phones, photos, video cameras, jewelry, rings, earrings, etc. . ) in the amount of cash, indicate everything exactly. At the same time, there are no conditions for filling out, then they will give an immigration sheet, which is also a declaration (God forbid you lose it) you need to keep it in your passport all the time, when you leave you will be forced to fill out the same sheet again, (I ask WHY? ) service - forget that he is there at all, of course he is, but a very peculiar (hotels) taxi - yes, it is not expensive - but on condition that you know the approximate local rates, and since a foreigner will be charged in full. Security - in any city, if you follow the elementary safety rules, then nothing bad will happen to you if you don’t get into the field of view of their cops (full zeros don’t even know their own duties, this is about the teaching staff) in no case do not take pictures in their subway - - something) at the entrance to the local TV tower you will be forced to give the video camera to the storage room - but here is a photo please (where is the madhouse, I still don’t understand the logic) Restaurants are generally screaming - sugar comes as a separate dish, i. e. for it need to pay separately. Cafe on the streets - before ordering anything, be sure to look at the menu how much it costs, otherwise a dish specially for guests of Tashkent will cost twice as much as a taxi.
God forbid you cross the border by land - their customs officers and border guards are real "wolves", in addition, there are huge queues at the crossings - and in order to pass you need to pay the "assistant" of the border guard from 5 to 15 dollars per person. If there is no queue, then suddenly the lights are turned off on the Uzbek side and the crossing is temporarily closed until there is a queue, i. e. their left money, when you nevertheless pass the border control, you will take away that there was no need for electricity at the post, it all comes down to this that they will simply put a stamp in your passport, besides, be prepared that if your girlfriend or spouse is with you, they will search her, and there is no question of any special means with their hands, they simply are not there. If you demand compliance (moreover, their laws), they will pretend that they simply don’t know them or you don’t know them, this is still a good option, there’s still a bad one, they can simply detain you for up to 3 days and there’s no one to complain to, I’ll contact the embassy or consulate, which well, perhaps during a personal search you will find a small bag of drugs - but as you wanted, however, magical min 100 dollars will solve problems if you proved that they were right and you were not. So welcome to the amazing country of Uzbekistan.