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The question is what to do with yourself in the summer in Zhdeniyevo?
11 years ago  •  4 subscribers 6 answers
You can get to Zhdenieve. Not far. Nice to take a walk. There is a very good minimarket, the Crown is called mine. You will find everything you need. We even bought a knife. So everything is ok.
11 years ago  •  1 subscriber 1 answer
Rest in the Carpathians in the private sector. The private sector in the Carpathians, in Transcarpathia, in the village of Zhdeniyevo - the Zatishok estate. Rest in Transcarpathia. Cottage in the Carpathians.
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 4 answers
If anyone had a rest in the hotel "Wait nya Evo" please share your impressions. Very interested in the prices in this hotel. The prices are indicated on the site, but some are VERY low (maybe the information has not been updated for a long time) and this is somehow alarming. Everything seems to be good and wonderful, but the prices are embarrassing. And how is the weather in these parts in early September?
14 years ago  •  1 subscriber 1 answer
it is very interesting whether the mountains are high there, whether the forest is far away. And I would also like to know the details about the hotel "Zhdya nya, Evo"
14 years ago  •  4 subscribers 7 answers
We are going to go to Zhdeniyevo in February. The train is not very convenient. I would like to know about the "difficulties" of this trip, as well as where it is possible to stay overnight on the road.
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 10 answers
Tell me what you can do with a 7-year-old child at the end of October? It is difficult to predict the weather, but still I want to visit this hotel! We are gathering for 5 days!
14 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
I would like to spend the New Year in the Carpathians. The hotel is beautiful, the photo is super .. everything fits .. but I also wonder if there are places for entertainment in the area around the hotel? Is it possible to have fun in the bars there, or find a restaurant a la romantic)))) And of course, are there beautiful places nearby, architecture, mountains, ski slopes ..?
15 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
Tourists who have visited the village of Zhdeniyevo, please tell me who organizes sightseeing trips from the village of Zhdeniyevo, is there a travel agency or do you need to find out by ateliers and boarding houses who can take you where? The average cost of such an organized guided tour? Thanks!
15 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
what type of leisure is offered in Zhdeniyevo? Are you planning a trip in early to mid-October?
15 years ago  •  2 subscribers 4 answers
We want to go to Zhdeniyevo in early or mid-October, who was, please tell me what things will be needed at this time of the year? How often does it rain in October? We plan to live in a wooden cottage, which may not be in place from the necessary, isn't it cold in autumn in such cottages? Thanks!
15 years ago  •  1 subscriber No answers
We are going to the village of Zhdeniyevo to a recreation center called "Wait for me, Evo", who was there, please tell me if you liked the food, what are the average prices. The advertisement of this recreation center indicates that there is a restaurant and a koliba on the territory, but perhaps someone found a food option in other hotels, restaurants, kolibas, where they cook tasty and not expensive. Thank you for your reply.
15 years ago  •  no subscribers No answers
We want to go to the village of Zhdeniyevo in October, who was there - please tell me what the weather is usually like this month, what it is advisable to take with you from clothes. Thanks!
15 years ago  •  1 subscriber 2 answers
Dear lovers of the Carpathians! Please tell me, did anyone rest in the village of Zhdeniyevo in a recreation complex called "Wait for me, Єvo"? What did you think of it? Liked / disliked (what exactly did not like?) We want to go in October, while we decide which hotel. Thank you in advance for your response.
15 years ago  •  1 subscriber No answers
I'm going to visit this heavenly place in the near future! It's not entirely clear, on all sites with descriptions and reviews they talk about 2 meals a day, and on the hotel's website only breakfast is mentioned. Has there been a change?
15 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
Good afternoon! I liked the hotel according to the description, I would like to send the newlyweds to you in May 2010.
15 years ago  •  2 subscribers 3 answers
I didn't find information about the location of the lifts
15 years ago  •  5 subscribers 6 answers
I would be very grateful if you tell me how best to book a room in a travel agency or via the Internet.
15 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers