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The cost of the car from Volovets to Synevyr
Dear tourists, who used the services of drivers in the Carpathians, what are the prices this summer? The hotel announced a transfer from Volovets to Synevyr 700 UAH. For so much you can get from Kyiv to Volovets in a suite. I know bad roads. But maybe if you take a car at the station not from the hotel, it will be cheaper? Thanks in advance to all who answer!
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4 subscribers  • asked 2017-08-088 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар Igor_m
Is it one way or will they take you back? In winter, from Uzhgorod to Lumshory (50 km) I paid 500 UAH, the driver's return trip is included in this price. From Volovets to Synevyr 70 km,
аватар Igor_m
And yet, for understanding - the cost of gasoline in both directions will be about 350 UAH.
аватар LaraF
One way - 700 UAH
аватар carpathianpilot
This is the price. Under favorable circumstances (for example, a passing car) it will be cheaper.
Taxi drivers in Volovets are not very humane.
Public transport runs, but there is no direct line from B to C, the buses are sloppy off-road *, they stop at every hut (I exaggerate), they are often overcrowded. Roma again :)
* The roads are slowly getting better.
аватар LaraF
Thank you. We went. From Volovets to Synevyr - 600 UAH. True, on the way the driver "picked up" 2 more sightseers, from whom he took 500. The total trip for the driver is 1100.
Transfer from Podobovets (Spravzhnya kazka) to Volovets, railway station - 150 UAH.
In general, the Carpathian service this summer did not seem quite adequate. There were many strange nuances.
аватар carpathianpilot
"In general, the Carpathian service this summer did not seem quite adequate. There were many strange nuances."
A terrible staffing shortage. Almost everyone left the cordon, there is no one to "adequately" work.
аватар LaraF
Most likely, I made a mistake with the choice of a hotel on Synevyr. Plus, we were simply unlucky - our stay coincided with a corporate party and "star" guests. Hence all the nuances. In general, we love the Carpathians, pull, we went and we will go)))
аватар carpathianpilot
аватар LaraF
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