Question about sanatoriums Tri Sini ta Donka 4*

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What clothes will be needed?
We've never gone to Skhidnitsa for a vacation... We're going in mid-October. I have absolutely no idea what kind of clothes to take (do I need to take dresses or only sportswear). If someone knows, tell me what the weather is like in Skhidnitsa in October and what can come in handy the most?!
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4 subscribers  • asked 2014-09-2011 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар elenka9988
First, look at the Internet sites for the weather in Skhidnytsia. And secondly, I would advise you to take the most sportswear, but one or two dresses will not hurt. :-)
аватар oksanka.oksana
thanks for the advice
аватар lielia33
Take sportswear and comfortable, it’s already cool in October, it’s still mountains, but it’s good in the sun during the day, it often rains, to be honest, in 3 weeks I never needed smart clothes, especially dresses! So sports and comfortable clothes and shoes!
аватар elenka9988
Well, who cares))) For example, I love dresses))) That's why we are women to wear dresses and even in the mountains to find where to wear them ...
аватар oksanka.oksana
No, I thought maybe a dress might come in handy for dinner in the evening))))))) But I see that this is the most ordinary hotel, where people go in what is convenient))))))))
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