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Question about hotel Kyivska Russ Resort Medical & Spa 4*

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Spa zone
Can you please tell me if the use of the spa area is included in the price? How much is the cost per night standard for 2?
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2 subscribers  • asked 2014-01-2911 years ago
Answers  •  1
аватар kyivskaruss
Hello! Yes, the room rate includes the use of the SPA center, as well as full board / lunch, dinner, breakfast / in the restaurant; mineral water pump room; children's room with a tutor; Internet access (Wi - Fi), mini-safe in the room; parking with video surveillance;
from medical services: free consultations of 3 (three) specialist doctors (therapist, urologist and ENT), measurement of blood pressure and temperature, 1 procedure each: hydrolaser irrigation of the gums, inhalation with aromatic oils, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection with ozone, magnetotherapy with bischofite, light therapy Bioptron lamp, quartz tube, speleotherapy, oxygen phytococktail, urinalysis, blood test to determine the level of glucose.
Room rates depend on the season. Standard room for 2 people per day in the regular season 914.58 UAH.
More information: +380954143344.
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