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Is it worth trusting this resource if the Internet is teeming with advertisements for the promotion of hotels and travel agencies through this Internet resource.
For denyushka here they are ready to breed both positive and negative reviews, filling up a competitor. Type in the search engines to order a review and you will see a lot of interesting things.
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12 subscribers  • asked 2018-10-206 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар admin
First, it doesn't swarm.
Secondly, from time to time we receive offers from some Internet image agencies. But we do not participate in such schemes. Not because we are so honest. Because we are in business. It is impossible to build a successful project according to the model you presented. And we have a successful project. It is worth at least once to provide someone with such a "service" and the business will forever be hung on the hook of blackmail. Those. the cost of such a "service" should be comparable to the cost of the entire site. No one is ready to pay so much for reviews in their favor.
Thirdly, it is very difficult to do this bypassing our moderation. Anonymity on the Internet is an illusion for amateurs.
Fourth, we answer this question publicly. If it were "difficult" for us, then we would simply remove it and block the IP of the questioner-asserter.
аватар admin
Fifth, the right of everyone to believe or not to believe our resource. Usually those who are not satisfied with our site are those who failed to post a fake review or remove a negative review about themselves. Letters with requests or threats come regularly. Funny for the support of one of the largest travel sites. Quote from a letter dated 10/19/18:
“The information presented on your site by fictitious anonymous authors clearly contains unreliable, unverified slanderous information. According to paragraphs ... p ... Art. … the specified information contains information that does not correspond to reality, discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of our company.
Thus, you make it possible to publish and thereby contribute to the dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits our reputation, violates our rights, and all this misleads our real customers.
In accordance with Art ... we have the right to demand a refutation of information discrediting our honor, dignity or business reputation.
For slander, the dissemination of knowingly untruthful fabrications that disgrace another person) according to the legislation, punishment is provided in the form of a fine in the amount of ... or correctional labor for up to
аватар helena_fortuna
karelmir, yes it's worth it. Like everyone else.
Simply, all people are different and write different reviews.
Where do you want to go?
аватар lazy_person
This is where we are now commenting and answering questions, this is the so-called. "forum". Here, many answer questions, share their impressions, give advice, recommendations. This is useful for those planning a trip. Of course, you need to read everything through the prism of your ideas.
аватар Olgaolga153
karelmir: "Type in search engines to order a review and you will see a lot of interesting things."
Picked it up on purpose. I did not see anything that would indicate the authenticity of your statements.
I tried to analyze where and how hotels or travel agencies are promoted here, but I didn’t find it either. (mind, apparently, was not enough))))
аватар Oleksii64
karelmir: "Type in search engines to order a review and you will see a lot of interesting things." and why did you type it and registered as a specialist for this one message? :)
аватар kazkova
I think custom reviews are everywhere, including on this resource. But they are not difficult to distinguish from the real ones. Usually, positive commissioned reviews are written in a narrative style, have complete logical sentences and paragraphs, etc., that is, they are written by copywriters who find it difficult to break out of their style. They do not contain any purely accurate small details with names (for example, "the animator is such a short Mahmemd"), etc. Just ignore such reviews and do not trust them.
As for real reviews, from real users, after all, people are different, and some write negative reviews about the entire hotel and put deuces because of some nonsense, while others speak well of bad hotels, because. and it suits them.
Therefore, when reading reviews, "catch" only facts from them (for example, the distance to the sea, the number of sunbeds, the entrance to the sea, etc.), and judge for yourself. Not by the emotions of others.
аватар lazy_person
I agree with you. It can be identified by the style of presentation. But this is usually in the descriptions of hotels, not here, not in these discussions. There are many such "orders" in the descriptions of new hotels, where employees write to themselves ...
At the "forum" (here) there is a direct conversation, sometimes even passions boil...
аватар vasyusha
kazkova, I do not agree with the fact that a competent presentation of my thoughts clearly indicates a "order". Maybe the person studied well at school? ;))))
And in other people's reviews, I usually pay attention to those points that are of direct interest to me. And if I am not interested in animation, then the negative rating given to the hotel due to its absence is unlikely to affect my opinion when choosing this hotel.
And statistics are also important in this matter - if for 20 negative reviews one suddenly appears with a categorical statement that a person has never seen a better hotel in his life, then I will most likely ignore him too.
аватар kazkova
"Competent presentation of thoughts" and "custom" reviews are very different in style. Read, at least, mine)) They are literate, and at the same time they are not custom-made, but real.
And custom ones are therefore noticeable because they are written by cheap copywriter girls, for whom there is not enough intelligence to make them look like reality)).
аватар karelmir
"""Usually, those who are not satisfied with our site are those who failed to post a fake review or remove a negative review about themselves"""
Far from profound! Is it possible to be dissatisfied with justice? A non-posted fake review is fair, a true negative review is fair Therefore, there can be no dissatisfaction in relation to you here. Unless in some way to yourself. Another thing is when a fake negative review is written to you by representatives of those against whom it was written so that you provide the person who wrote it and let this person provide some kind of confirmation (contract). Fair? Or what for you to bother with it, they don’t defame you here, you’re a god and a judge here, you do whatever you want
аватар Olgaolga153
karelmir___ Dear man, who are you yourself? From your inconsistent conclusions it is very difficult to understand anything. Sounds like a common troll to me.
аватар karelmir
So the local moderator responded, with understanding clearly not higher than the school level. This is how they work here!
аватар admin
Here is the reason.
karelmir is a representative of the subject of tourism activity, about which a negative review was written on our website.
Those. the statement "the Internet is teeming with advertisements for the promotion of hotels and travel agencies through this Internet resource" is a pure fake. Which sharply lowers the degree of confidence in the rest of the assessments and statements from karelmir.
The rest is a claim that we do not remove a negative review, which this representative of the hotel or company considers fake. All other claims are, so to speak, a psychological attack.
Unfortunately, this behavior increases the likelihood that this review is still true.
Because those subjects who are sure that the review is untrue or unfair work with them - communicate with the author and with us. Those who are not sure threaten us or try to accuse us of all serious things (as in this case).
Anti-competitive actions on our website are possible. But only a few and extremely rare. As correctly written above, they are easily calculated even from the text. Not to mention the other clues we have about the source of the review.
аватар admin
Since we work in the legal field, we have a special procedure for verifying reviews. Therefore, there is a proposal for this case. karelmir officially introduces himself and gives a link to the negative feedback that he was so excited about. And we will start working with him. But if it turns out that this is true, then do not exact it - not only those who look at information on this subject of tourism activity will find out about this.
This will be our compensation for unfair accusations.
аватар lazy_person
Any review: "positive", "negative" or even "fake" - is a review of a specific person, even if he is from a competing company. Well, "fake" .. so what? For any hotel, resort, there is a lot of information, a lot of reviews that give a complete picture of the issue. You must be able to read and understand what you read, passing through the prism of your ideas. Any review has the right to exist.
It's bad that the site has limited the right to correct your review or answer. Everywhere in all networks provided "editing" .. you do not.
аватар annanom
And who said that just a review cannot then be noticed by the hotel itself? This does not mean that such a story was immediately ordered! By the way, in my opinion, that the comments are not teeming with ratings from hotels, but only reader reviews, so I can suggest that the resource is more for people than for non-humans (bots) or who will say that I'm wrong because of my naivety, huh? !
P.S. Damn, how inconvenient to write on a mobile in a trolleybus!!!
аватар admin
It is clear that reviews are written by real people. The question is what motivation they have and how adequate they are in their assessments.
For example, karelmir. Does his assessment of the truth have the right to influence our image?
Therefore, we do not post all reviews.
There are anti-competitive reviews - grateful neighbors write. There are rave reviews about themselves.
There are reviews with inadequate ratings. Inadequate even in relation to what is written in the review.
Funny case. We posted a very negative review about the hotel. Everything is bad, and even the jewelry was stolen from the suitcase. Two days later, a letter arrives from the author (a girl), in which she asks to remove the review, since she found these jewelry in some other place. Removed review. And the girl posts a new review, very positive. After that, we introduced another parameter for checking reviews.
For questions about the possibility of editing reviews and answers. This is a conscious limitation. Here you can edit stories, posts on the forum and your comments to reviews.
аватар annanom
Now everything is clear, thanks!
аватар yanina.lyashchuk
I asked questions about the hotels I was interested in twice. I was very pleased with the answers. As a result, I didn’t fly to the first hotel, but I received more than useful information about the second one.
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