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Question to the people of Kiev about attractions and prices
We plan to fly to Kyiv for the New Year for 5-7 days. What is worth seeing, where is it better to stay - in a hotel or rent an apartment? Also interested in shopping. What will the weather be like, what clothes to take with you? Yes, we speak German and a little Russian, unfortunately we do not speak Ukrainian, can there be problems? If it's not difficult for you, help with your advice. Thanks!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
9 subscribers  • asked 2018-10-116 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар kryukovskaya
There will be no problems with the Russian language. It is better to rent an apartment (you can cook on your own), but there is a danger that you will get caught by scammers (either you will simply not be settled, or they will visit you until you are gone) it is up to you. For the New Year, you need to book from the beginning of November, or even earlier. (In that year, on January 1, a hotel was booked on November 10, everything was already good).
аватар ollennka
I practically didn’t hear Ukrainian in Kyiv, but the inscriptions are almost everywhere in Ukrainian, it’s inconvenient, but not fatal.
I think that the hotel is better, and precisely because you do not have to cook yourself. On vacation, you need to relax, and leave housework for later.
See museums, churches, Lavra, Andreevsky Descent, Bulgakov's house, in general, sights.
The weather will not be too cold, but the humidity is high, dress in layers or you will die.
аватар Vika284
Buy tickets in advance for a ballet or opera at the National Opera of Ukraine, they are also sold online. See the theater itself and enjoy ballet or opera. Then from the theater on foot you can walk to Sofiyivska Square where St. Sophia Cathedral is located and the national reserve Sophia Kievskaya and then Mikhailovskaya Square on which St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral is located.
And from about December 19 to January 19, also from Sofiyskaya Square to Mikhailovskaya Square, there are the main venues for celebrating the New Year and Christmas holidays. There are cafes, a skating rink, a main Christmas tree, various winter attractions and a stage where artists perform
аватар Vika284
Shopping, a large shopping and entertainment center Ocean Plaza, there is the Lybidska metro station. Convenient if you are without a car.
And even more shopping center Lavina Mall, this shopping center is not near the metro, but there are free minibuses every 30 minutes from the metro station Akademgorodok, Minsk, Pochaina (former Petrovka metro station)
if vip shopping in the city center near the Bessarabsky market of the shopping center Mandarin Plaza and on Khreshchatyk Kyiv Central Department Store
аватар Vika284
If you will be on the eve of Christmas on January 6 and on Christmas and on the Old New Year, then I recommend visiting the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Pirogovo these days. Traditional celebration of Christmas and New Year, with Ukrainian songs, carols and schedrivkas, traditional ceremonies, sleigh rides
аватар sergej575
Thanks everyone for the advice!
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