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Related question «Documents and borders»
Please tell me! The husband went to work in Poland. I want to visit him for 10 days. I'm afraid that a tourist visa may not be given. We want to make it work. Will I have problems leaving?
Please tell me! The husband went to work in Poland. I want to visit him for 10 days. I'm afraid that a tourist visa may not be given. We want to make it work. Will I have problems leaving?
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8 subscribers  • asked 2017-02-188 years ago
Answers  •  16
аватар ollennka
Psychics on vacation. Either it will or it won't.
But rather, they will, given that you want to submit deliberately false documents.
аватар staruha_izergil
And why do you actually think that it is easier to get a work visa than a tourist one? As for me, just a scheduled trip itinerary (a specific list of where and what in Poland you would like to see as a tourist), paid if not hotels, but hostels + return ticket + self-submission of documents will give you much more chances of getting a normal legal tourist visa. Than getting a fictitious worker, for sure, through some obscure intermediary firm ... Although, of course, it's up to you to decide.
аватар sk-r
thanks for answers. It's just that a husband can make a very real invitation with a real job. And the tourist route after all needs to be ordered through a travel agency ??? extra hassle.
I’m only worried about the fact that I’ll go back normally, there will be no questions why I didn’t stay to work, but I’m going back to Ukraine ???
аватар ollennka
Why order a tourist route somewhere?
You buy tickets, insurance, attach information about the housing where your husband lives, a certificate from your work and other financial guarantees. This is a normal package of documents, which shows that you are really going to visit your husband and see the country, and not stay there illegally.
аватар sk-r
just an extra run with certificates from work, bank, housing, etc. ... My husband lives in a hostel, it will not be possible to live with him there, he will look for other housing for us at this time. I heard that very often they refuse for no reason. Therefore, I think that it is easier to get a visa with an invitation to work.
аватар ollennka
Well, if you really want to do a job, medicine is powerless here.
They just refuse for a reason. For example, due to fake certificates.
аватар sk-r
аватар staruha_izergil
"...I'm only worried about the fact that I'll go back normally, there will be no questions why I didn't stay to work, but I'm going back to Ukraine???..."
I would be worried that a working long visa will remain in the passport, according to which 10-15 days have left. And next time, when applying for a Polish visa and at the consulate, and when crossing the border, questions may arise.
аватар sk-r
and I think about it too.
Can you tell me, please, when you get a visa, during which time you need to leave?
аватар ollennka
In general, of course, full of surprises)) Usually people cheat when leaving on a tourist visa for the purpose of employment, but here it turns out the other way around ...
By the way, I wouldn’t worry that 10 days were rolled back on a work visa in total, there are all sorts of situations, you never know, I didn’t like the job, quit. But the very risk of checking this fake work would frighten me. Moreover, your compatriots write about some kind of total checks of documents from Ukrainian guest workers at the border, up to the ringing of prospective employers. It will be a shame to get a visa and be turned back by the Polish border guards.
аватар Pachok
There will be problems, of course.
They just don’t refuse like that, there are refusals when people twist something incomprehensibly like this.
Open a regular tourist visa.
аватар Anetka-gan
don't bother yourself with bullshit and don't create problems for yourself.
apply for tourist.
day 1 - Krakow
day two Krakow
Day Three Krkow
for example. add some sights.
this is your plan.
travel dates - which ones you request, they will give (if they give) similar dates and a corridor will be written in the visa
аватар kolyan_cat
A visa is not a pass to heaven. This is just a piece of paper that does not guarantee anything to you.
When leaving Poland, if you are traveling by bus, most likely the border guards will simply call the employer from which the invitation is issued and ask if you work for them. If the company says no, then the visa will be canceled and you will be blacklisted.
The Poles really "love" all sorts of smart people with work visas.
аватар life-ok
A Soviet person has some kind of special fear of information ... Paid round-trip tickets, a paid hotelhostel - that's what you need anyway. Insurance for the duration of your stay is done in any insurance company for 15 minutes and 300 UAH. Also a useful thing. A certificate from work is done in 5 minutes in the personnel department, a bank statement - 15 minutes if there is no queue, in many banks for free. If the husband works legally and he has a work visa - he can generally make you an official invitation, then you don’t even need bank statements.
What is the problem in general? who gives you such ideas"brilliant "...
аватар ollennka
And in general, as far as I understood from the list of documents, it is necessary to collect more certificates for a work visa than for a tourist one.
аватар kolyan_cat
Regarding insurance - 300 UAH. it's too much, I charge for 10 days - 120 UAH, it is issued on the Internet in 5 minutes, the policy comes by e-mail.
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