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Is it obligatory to change the civil and international passports at the same time if you get married?
Good afternoon! I am a citizen of Ukraine. 3.5 years ago I married a German citizen in Germany. Since then, I have been living there permanently and have a temporary residence permit in Germany, but I have not registered at the Ukrainian embassy. Now I would like to recognize marriage in Ukraine and change my civil and international passports. I visit Ukraine only once a year for 2 weeks. already working in Germany. My question is this: can I hand over the passport of a citizen of Ukraine to change my surname and get a new one in a year? The second question: will I have problems if the passport of Ukraine is replaced, and the passport is old with a maiden name? And one more question: can I book plane tickets using the old international passport, and fly out of Ukraine using a new international passport with a new surname (how is this technically possible)? Thanks in advance for your help!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
8 subscribers  • asked 2016-04-259 years ago
Answers  •  38
аватар alex45
I think that with such questions you need to contact the consulate or embassy of Ukraine in Germany, they will give a qualified certificate
аватар alex45
made a mistake - a qualified certificate
аватар staruha_izergil
Website of the State Migration Service:
There are also telephones of the "hot line" and any other useful information. Good luck!
аватар Magnoli-ja
I am very grateful for all the answers and links! Despite this, I want to note that I have already shoveled a lot of information on the Internet. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find clear answers to today's questions. Not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Otherwise, I would not ask a question and take away attention. The main thing I hope is that someone has already had similar situations or faced similar cases personally in practice and wants to share their experience with me. Thanks again for your participation!
аватар alex45
Because the question is not easy, it is necessary to contact the consulate. Get a written paper, there will be something to refer to! I think that just the consulate or embassy is for your case.
аватар Magnoli-ja
I thank you again for your participation! And please read again my previous response to your answers.
аватар agent_borabora
When changing the surname (at the time of marriage), the passport for the old surname becomes automatically invalid. The very next day, this information is in the system of the border service.
Traveling abroad with a former passport in the maiden name will already be a violation of the border regime.
аватар L_ena
1. No. You can inquire about the delivery of a new passport to an address outside of Ukraine after it has been issued. If such a service for the delivery of passports from our OVIRs can exist, in principle
2. Yes.
3. No, and this, in my opinion, is not even a question. Have you ever noticed that when you check in for a flight (in person or through iboxes) you ALWAYS show your passport. How do you imagine issuing a boarding pass to a person whose passport is not associated with a ticket???? And finally, let me disbelieve that searching on your own didn't give you any useful information. I'm not talking about the opportunity for a couple of tens of euros to get advice from a specialized lawyer or notary.
аватар Magnoli-ja
Thanks a lot! I didn't really know about this service.
Yes, I noticed. That's why I'm asking question #3. You may not believe me, I don't mind. If a person says: "It's not clear to me," then it became unclear. I think you can somehow understand this in a human way. I didn’t mention anywhere about consulting with a specialized lawyer, it’s not clear why you reproach me for this ...
Could you elaborate on exactly what problems you had in mind by answering "Yes" to question #2? Thank you very much again.
аватар L_ena
I can clarify, no question. I suggest that you go to a lawyer or a notary at the place where you live or when you come to Ukraine again. Thus, you will receive qualified and correct advice. And now, in the office of a paid specialist, you can endlessly clarify and ask again. I sincerely wish you to understand everything without falling under the sanctions of the Ukrainian or German side!
аватар Magnoli-ja
Thanks to! I doubt, however, that you sincerely wish! And all the best to you!
аватар kolyan_cat
Relatives live in Hamburg. Necessary issues are resolved at the consulate, incl. and change of passport. Therefore, I also allow myself to doubt that the consulate did not provide you with information. "Shoveling the entire Internet" is certainly easier than contacting the consulate, but hardly more effective.
As for buying a ticket on one passport and flying on another - here you don’t need to “shovel the Internet”, definitely not.
аватар kolyan_cat
In pursuit, for those who are too lazy to find out the details at the consulates on their own, in the same "Russian Germany" there are a lot of advertisements for lawyers who help in these matters. I understand that only pensioners read it, but if you have friends of retirement age who write it out, you can borrow it from them.
аватар life-ok
Citizens of Ukraine can get a new passport, including a foreign one, at the Ukrainian consulate / embassy in Germany, there is no need to travel to Ukraine specifically for this.
To do this, they advised me to contact the embassy 150 times. But it's easier to sit on the forum.
аватар Magnoli-ja
Just amazed by your site. People write comments solely out of boredom, without reading the questions, not having the desire to help, not having information, they write answers simply from the lantern, while simply sprinkling everything with rudeness and baseless accusations. Where only moderators look. Happy for you all to be here.
P.S. staruha_izergil, I'm sorry. Thank you very much for the useful link, it helped a lot!!!
аватар admin
Read the thread
It seems to us that there is both theory and practice.
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
Good morning! To legalize a marriage concluded outside of Ukraine, you need to translate the marriage document into Ukrainian, the translation must be certified by a STATE notary (I personally encountered this). Further, it is desirable for you to be able to"negotiate " with your passport office in Ukraine at the place of registration. Believe me, it is quite real and quite possible. The exchange rate is now so high that for you (working in Germany) to speed up this process and get a new passport with a new name will cost mere pennies. This can really be done in 3 days.
A passport service is now operating in Kyiv, a good new center that any citizen of Ukraine can apply to, regardless of in which city of Ukraine he has a registration. In this center, the processing of passports is VERY fast. You can easily get a passport there in less than a week (depending on which day of the week you apply). Money is everything.
аватар Magnoli-ja
lyudmila-s-p2 and admin thank you very much!!! :)))
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
I'm glad if I could be of some help. If you immediately begin to act quickly upon arrival in Ukraine, you will have time to resolve all issues and receive new documents in two weeks. Feel free to offer "thank you" for expediting your issue. I very often have to solve some issues related to documents and various certificates, and I know that there is always and everywhere an opportunity to get a document quickly.
Good luck!
аватар Magnoli-ja
lyudmila-s-p2 thank you again! I sit and think...
Those. I imagine the situation like this:
1st day (Thursday): visit an interpreter, then with the translation of a marriage certificate - to the registry office
2nd day (Fri): submit documents for an internal passport (I hope they will do it in 3 days)
7th day (Wed): pick up the internal passport, get a new TIN, at night by train to Kyiv
8th day (Thu): submit documents for RFP (will have to be done in 3 days, no choice)
12th day (Mon): pick up the RFP from Kyiv
Day 13 (Tue): I have a flight at 7 AM...
Something like this ... The system has no right to fail ...
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
I want to make a small correction to your plan. The fact is that passport offices do not work anywhere on Fridays and therefore you will not be able to submit documents for obtaining an internal passport on Friday. Try to be the very first one with the translator on Thursday, translation with notarization usually takes an hour, especially if you ask, I just came to the translators with a box of good sweets and asked, after an hour I took the finished document, immediately go from there to the registry office, there too ask to speed up. Thus, you have a chance to get to the passport office on Thursday and submit documents for a new passport. It all depends on when you get your internal passport.
аватар Magnoli-ja
lyudmila-s-p2, it's great that you explain everything. It just grows wings. Is the translator and registry office done in a couple of hours? Translator - I still somehow imagined it. But judging by the Decrees, the registry office needs 2-3 days for this. I was already desperate. But there were cases, as they say... And you also had a positive experience. Sounds very encouraging. And the registry office only a marriage certificate? Or do you need an extract from the register or a certificate of residence? Of course, I will try to do the maximum on the first day. Although the passport offices have already been canceled. It is necessary to apply immediately to the district department of the Internal Affairs Directorate at the place of residence. Just take a photo with you. Interestingly, they automatically transfer the registration or you have to apply to the district council later - now the district councils are engaged in registration, and without a residence permit they do not accept documents for a foreign passport. Everything has changed! So many questions. The consul himself does not know the answer to them - on Friday I talked to him - the whole day I called 5 phone numbers, but I got through !!! Have a nice day!
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
Regarding the requirements of the registry offices, it is impossible to say for sure, each city and each locality has its own rules. Although, it sounds strange, because the state is one and the law should be one. But in practice, I was convinced that even in the same city in different registry offices there are different requirements and different rules. I had problems with my district registry office, we have a terrible manager there, and then I went to the city registry office of the city to the manager, who is higher than the regional registry office, in the city registry office the manager was surprised that I could not resolve my issue, because everything is according to the law . Simply, there was a deliberate delay in resolving my issue. Therefore, it is impossible to predict what they will require from you there. But the registry office is the most difficult stage in resolving any issues.
And if you don't have a passport office (we still do), then it's better. In the regional department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, it is easier to immediately agree.
Good luck!
аватар Magnoli-ja
lyudmila-s-p2, were you really forced to apply to a public notary? Employees of the Registry Office? This is arbitrariness. Here is the law on this subject ...
"Documents issued by public and private notaries,
have the same legal force. "
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
Yes, I was clearly told that the translated marriage document must be certified by a public notary. But, fortunately, we have a public notary in the same place as the translation department. More precisely, this translation department is located in the building where the state notary is. Therefore, this stage (translation of the document and certification by a notary) was the easiest and fastest. We have normal people working there and you can ask them to do it urgently. As I already wrote, our biggest problem is the registry office, where very unpleasant ladies work, who don’t even answer questions.
аватар life-ok
Now there are no more passport offices. Issuance of passports, incl. permitting centers are engaged in internal. I don’t know how it is in the regions, in Kyiv everything is simple and fast. But keep in mind that since the winter of 2016. instead of internal passports, they began to issue a new type - such as "ID cards". How are the issues with them - how quickly it is done, you need to find out in the permit center.
аватар life-ok
and no matter how the author buzzes, but I still don’t understand - if such a “bench-bench” over time, then why not apply for a foreign visa at the Ukrainian consulate in Germany? yes, it will be more expensive (if I'm not mistaken - 150 euros up to 3 months), but you won't have to worry that you won't have time to make it in Ukraine. To do this, you do not need to register ("register") at the consulate.
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
Apparently, you did not read this correspondence and the author's question from the very beginning. She cannot get a passport in Germany precisely because the author got married and changed her surname and she needs to get a passport for a DIFFERENT surname, and for this she needs to FIRST change her Ukrainian passport for a new surname (and she cannot do this in Germany). After all, this is not just about obtaining a passport, but obtaining a passport for a new surname on the basis of a new Ukrainian passport for a different surname, and for this she needs to LEGALIZE (legitimize) her marriage on the territory of Ukraine (translate the marriage certificate into Ukrainian and put it in the registry office marriage stamp).
I am writing precisely because I am also married to a foreigner and also married in another state and went through all this procedure. Therefore, I know how many instances you need to go through and what a troublesome procedure it is. If I hadn't gone through it myself, I wouldn't be writing or giving advice.
аватар kolyan_cat
It seems that Lyudmila inattentively read the correspondence. The problem is not that the author "cannot change his internal passport in Germany." Maybe, but she couldn't go to the consulate.
аватар lyudmila-s-p2
You didn't read it carefully. Of course, the author can get a passport in Germany, but only on the SAME OLD "maiden" surname. On the"maiden " surname she has a passport and a second passport for that surname she does not need. She needs a passport for a new surname. But BEFORE she needs to get a new civil passport in Ukraine for a new surname. Do you really not understand what is at stake? She needs to completely change all the documents to a new surname. Have you ever done this? Have you changed your passport to a new surname? And since the marriage was concluded in another state, it is necessary to legalize the marriage document in Ukraine, then change the civil Ukrainian passport to a new one with a new surname, and only after that get a passport for a NEW surname.
This is not about obtaining a passport, but about obtaining ALL documents for a new surname.
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