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Sorry for being slightly off topic.
Does anyone know about the refugee system in Russia? I am 17 years old and I am in the 11th grade, but I do not see a future in my country, at least I am tired of this mess! Is it possible for me to somehow get housing as a refugee and enter a technical school / institute?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2014-04-0611 years ago
Answers  •  28
аватар AllOverTheWorld
Ask your parents
And why to Russia, and not to Australia ?, it's better there)
аватар sent2008
Read the Federal Refugee Law www.
You can leave Ukraine, but enter the Russian Federation only with an adult accompanying you if you have permission from your parents.
аватар One-up
Yes, parents will accompany
Because my girlfriend is in Russia) and there are enough relatives :)
аватар One-up
I can’t find the topic “about refugees” on the site :(
In order to get refugee status, you need to provide a bunch of papers about being persecuted, about an unhealthy environment, etc. This is not so easy to do and not everyone is granted this status (the mess in the country is tired - unfortunately this is not a reason to give you refugee status) These are just a few rules, but there are many more. Refugee status, of course, is cool, but oh, how hard it is to get it ............. Maybe you should contact the Russian embassy, ​​at least by e-mail?
аватар One-up
Yes, of course, I understand that this is a lot of trouble, but that's how this garbage began with the Crimea, I heard on the news that they opened in Russia or something like that, in general, refugees are accepted.
How can I contact the embassy?
аватар agent_borabora
If you go to the Crimea, enter a technical school and then get a Russian passport.
аватар sent2008
Look at Federal Law No. 4582-1 of February 19, 1993 “On Refugees” (as amended and supplemented), but in accordance with this law, persons are recognized as refugees only after 18 years of age. For admission to educational institutions, read the law on education. View information about the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, call or write to them.
аватар hendo7
One-up, so you are 44 or 17, as you write. It is incomprehensible. Excuse me, but the fact that you have a girlfriend in Russia and that, as you write, you do not see a future in your country, this does not mean that in the Russian Federation you will receive refugee status and they will give you housing. This is some kind of freebie. Were you persecuted? Threatened? If not, I would not leave my country. Even if the girl is in Russia and you want to get married, there are many options without "status".
аватар One-up
Where did I write that I'm 44?
Well, I'm sorry, but being in Ukraine, they just try to disassemble it for themselves. Someone already wants to give the west of Ukraine to Poland, half of Ukraine is going to be taken by Putin, the treasury is empty, the capital has been smashed to rubble. Maybe you come from Egypt or Afghanistan and are used to living like this, but I feel myself not in a free country, but as if I live on whose -something property=
The fact is that they are not chasing me and they are not threatening me. Everything is much worse here. All over the country u003d
Well, under the refugee system, I am entitled to some benefits for the first time, at least right? It will be much easier for me, at least some +.
аватар One-up
Why 44 is indicated there, I do not know.
I went to the site through VK. I did not indicate the year of birth there. Some kind of bug u003d
аватар hendo7
I am not from Egypt and not from "Afghanistan". I am from Russia. I understand that you can "dump" anywhere, in this case to Russia, hiding behind the status of a refugee, in order to receive benefits.
аватар One-up
Well, I wouldn't say cover up.
I want to move to Russia but as a 17 year old I don't have enough money and opportunities to live there.
Yes, I can enter an institute/technical school and live in a hostel, but eat and dress for what?
аватар hendo7
Do you want to receive money from the Russian budget for food and clothing? If you are not being persecuted or threatened, but things are getting worse, as you write, contact the Russian embassy and state your motives there.
аватар TombArthur
If I were given a good job outside of Ukraine, housing, I would gladly dump from here. This is why I, while young, SHOULD think about this. Patriotism is of no use here - it's just a candy wrapper, with which many hide behind, due to the inability to dump somewhere far away.
аватар hatinka
You know, there are quite a lot of chances to realize yourself here. And then you will be expected in almost any country in the world. A simple and real example is programmers, testers. A year in some Epama or Cyclum, and even a junior has a high chance of legally finding a job in a normal country. Why bother with the devil knows what and go ... to Russia? It was a waste of time if you still have nothing. IMHO. Get a normal education, even here, even in Russia, this will give you more in life than muddy runs from one barrack to another. It’s nonsense for a man because no one will give you anything for free anywhere, and it’s not fate to get married ;-) Believe me, you are not expected anywhere like at home, and no one loves you more than family ... A girl at 17 years old is like just the beginning. She's not even a wife.
аватар hatinka
And by the way, many of those who have very real chances to go to the US or the EU - I judge by the crowd of acquaintances from IT people - go only on business trips or tours. Maximum wintering in warm regions. Many refuse to move. Everything is simple - there is almost the same salary, but completely different expenses + payment for housing or utilities, cars. But here there is housing, there is a car, the money is the same, there is the opportunity to leave at any moment ... Freedom is called. Having all this, it makes no sense to bring down "even a stuffed animal, even a carcass" is not. I don't want to go anywhere, for example. Unless not working at all, but only relaxing, I would live in Bavaria or Tyrol ... Topicaster, if you really fight for the sake of refuge, then in a comfortable and developed country - Belgium there, Germany, Austria, Switzerland ... Although this fantastic, but some people get it))))))
аватар Annbronn
I agree in everything with hatinka. And since they mentioned Belgium, I’ll put in 5 kopecks. How did they get legal status there? The country is developed for ITS residents, but not for immigrants)) First, they bought a Schengen business for six months, then extended it (800 euros), for which they had to return to their homeland and stay here for 3 months. Then work - illegal immigrants are taken, but very rarely and with very small salaries and with very great precautions - checks are constantly - well, if you and the owner are not lucky - they can close your entrance, the owner will be fined tens of thousands of euros. Accommodation at this time takes place with a friend (otherwise an illegal immigrant, oh, how few are welcome). After a certain number of exits and entrances and the development of a local institute (and this is not Ukraine for you - they don’t go for a pig there and the local language + you have to pass history first) you can apply for a residence permit (first stage) in the country. Only here the most interesting begins - you are first given a temporary one for 3 years, and only then a full-fledged one is possible. But for a temporary one, you need a guarantor, with whom (and nowhere else) you are obliged to live all these 3 years (the guarantor, by the way, also receives money for you).
аватар Annbronn
And to live quite naturally, because in all seriousness once a week and more often (and without warning the EU-no) they come to check your accommodation there, up to the presence of a toothbrush, etc. What about the residency exams? this is a song))))) And here everything is about a freebie - but where would be simpler. Is not it?
аватар Annbronn
Otherwise, how else to perceive the activity of the guy "when the Crimea started to spin" and moaning about "I wish I had more benefits." But the guy didn’t think about how people generally study at institutes, even at home? If he relied on his parents, then they can send money to zakordon - not a problem. And if you do not trust - so what's the problem? - study in the morning - work in the evening (there are a lot of floating schedules), and there are also eternal commercial construction teams (now even more relevant than 10 years ago) .. Now it’s a sin for 17-year-olds to ask stupid questions on forums - from the age of 6, children know how to google and know where what answers to look for. Get busy, don't suffer shit. I think you're just a fake, but if not, and you even got yourself a girl abroad))), then it's all the more strange to ask stupid questions.
аватар OLA14
+1 for Australia ;)
аватар Elenka08
Annbronn, voiced my thoughts, only in a more delicate form. And then everyone responded so cheerfully, I beg your pardon, youthful delirium, * I'm tired, I have a girlfriend there, I want money for food and clothes *
аватар Elenka08
there are thousands of such * wanting * in the Russian hinterland, and now P**in is right, he will now allocate an article in the budget that he will distribute funds to everyone who is tired of living somewhere and someone wants to eat and dress, and most likely he wants to to Moscow... laughter through tears...
аватар AllOverTheWorld
Horror !!!!!! Where are we heading....., One-up, are you an orphan?, you should ask these questions to your family, not on a travel site, you have not achieved anything in your life yet, but already look for where it is easier and where there is a freebie words
аватар One-up
AllOverTheWorld you are stupid. You understand that my mother does not know about the refugee system in Russia, I live separately and myself. I earn on the Internet and it is not so important. I could not find the correct answer on the Internet to my question, I climbed onto this site and I wanted to hear an answer and help :) And if you don’t like it, if you don’t like it, get out of court.
And to those who gave useful links. Many thanks :)
аватар Kolia_oro.egor
All this is sad. Until recently, TurPravda has remained almost a safe haven, where the tired brain rested from politics. And now here are the refugees... They have come. It turns out, too, our theme.
one-up. Be a friend, if everything works out for you, write a story on the topic "Jokes and Achtungs" on the way of a young refugee. Maybe this will clear the clouds somehow.
By the way, my friend received refugee status in Germany, showing terrible black scars on his legs left after an accident in the army. But he stated that these were signs of a beating due to the fact that he was gay. Everything was OK, but only in the refugee camp he was placed in a block with real blacks - homosexuals.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
Sorry for my flood, this will be my last post in this thread
1) One-up, if you make money on the Internet, then you, logically thinking, should have gone to the website of the Russian Embassy and the Russian Missionary Service and looked for information about refugee status there, and not on a tourist site.
2) now I understand why we have brought our country to such a state, our youth cannot even write correctly and defend their point of view, to any criticism, in response you will hear only insults
3) Why don't you marry your girlfriend and just get Russian citizenship ?, and all because you want to exist for free at the expense of any subsidies.
P.s Kolia_oro.egor you are as always with humor, but to the point))), it would not be so funny if everything was so sad(
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