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What is the status of the Ukraine-Russia border? Entry to both countries for a Russian citizen. Or where can I see it?
What is the status of the Ukraine-Russia border? Entry to both countries for a Russian citizen. Or where can I see it?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
11 subscribers  • asked 2020-11-244 years ago
Answers  •  32
аватар aleksey.kucher
For Ukrainians, see here
аватар sit3d3
I have Russian citizenship. I realized that I needed a PCR test. And what about the entry of a Russian into Ukraine? True, I will be returning in 4 months, by that time everything can change, but still ..
аватар dusik1981
Of course, the question is still the same :)) The "status at the border" was especially hung. And you can always see the full information on the website of the border service of Ukraine, i.e. here
For the "Russian", do not cry later if, upon returning, you will be banned from entering "evil ukry" for 5 years, because you will violate the time of your stay in Ukraine, a maximum of 90/180 is possible, but not 120/180.
аватар sit3d3
And on the basis of what they can slap 5 years? Can you link to an article in the code of law? I read that this applies only to certain categories of citizens, the gender of which I do not fall...
аватар dusik1981
violation of the terms of stay in Ukraine., you didn’t write that you have a residence permit in Ukraine, but the standard ban for violation of border crossing is from 3 to 5 years.
аватар dusik1981
Honor the Law of Ukraine "On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons"
аватар dusik1981
and plus a fine Article 203. Violation by foreigners and stateless persons of the rules of stay in Ukraine and transit through the territory of Ukraine
Violation by foreigners and stateless persons of the rules of stay in Ukraine, ie established procedure for moving and changing residence, or evading departure from Ukraine after the expiration of the relevant period of stay, non-arrival without good reason to a certain place of study or employment after entering Ukraine in the definition of lines, as well as violation of transit rules through Ukraine , in addition to the violations provided for in part two of this article, -
entail the imposition of a fine of one hundred to three hundred non-taxable minimum incomes
аватар sit3d3
Well, let's start with the fact that according to the Schengen ban from 3 months.
The legislation of Ukraine says. (CAO) Article 203
Fine 1700-5100
In case of non-payment of the fine, a period of prohibition of entry for 3 years will be set. So I can pay easily.
There are also a number of illegal actions that can lead to expulsion and a ban on entry, but I don’t fall under them ... And you just have something to write
аватар AllOverTheWorld
What does Schengen have to do with it?
Firstly, you first try to call in (whether you have good reasons for that) and what reasons have been here for 4 months.
And what are the statuses at the borders?
аватар sit3d3
Status (Latin status [1] - state of affairs [2], state, position) is an abstract polysemantic word (a term in some areas of life), in a general sense, denoting a set of stable values ​​of the parameters of an object or subject.
The status of the border, in my opinion, is its state whether it is open or not as part of the pandemic. It is strange that people who advise something do not understand simple things.
аватар sit3d3
Schengen has nothing to do with it, but it also determines the procedure for applying measures to violators of the visa regime. And there the minimum penalty is 3 months, I also consulted with a lawyer, he said that I would be banned from entering for 4 months. And these 2 terms prompted me to an involuntary comparison
аватар sit3d3
So that's the question, what other good reasons? I have traveled before, no one asked me about the reasons for the visit. Why should we now? So, according to your conclusions, I conclude that the border of Ukraine is still closed to citizens of the Russian Federation? But on the website of the border services of Ukraine it is written that only a foreigner is needed for entry, and entry is open for Russians.
I want to know for sure...
аватар dusik1981
sit3d3 you were given exhaustive answers, they gave the name of the Law that you plan to violate, it describes what punishment can be, plus an additional article which you will violate the admin of the code and what threatens you, and if you consulted with a lawyer, then he will surely tell you , . Do not forget a bunch of Ukrainian laws regarding the citizens of Erefia, and the link on the site has a phone number where you can contact and they will explain everything to you))
аватар AllOverTheWorld
know for sure what
Well, first of all, for more than one year in a row for citizens of the Russian Federation, especially for men, it is not so easy to get into the territory of Ukraine:
The first thing a Russian needs to have for traveling to Ukraine is a Russian passport. In order to guarantee access to the territory of a neighboring state, we recommend that you collect the entire package of documents and take the necessary amount of money.
List of documents:
1. Guaranteed return to Russia (return ticket);
2. Paid travel package (voucher), if you are traveling from a travel agency or for treatment;
3. Reservation of accommodation and / or confirmation of paid meals in Ukraine;
4. Notarized invitation (original) - if you are going on a private visit, for example, to friends or relatives.
A guarantee letter of invitation is drawn up by an individual in Ukraine. The invitation must be notarized and the original sent to Russia.
аватар sit3d3
Thanks. It's on the case
аватар dusik1981
The person apparently did not read the link that was offered and probably did not go to Ukraine for several years, because he does not know that in most cases, Russian citizens are tested "second line ", which means that she does not know the minimum amount must be confirmed, and it is now.
The subsistence level for 2020 according to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020" from July 1, 2020 is set at UAH 2,118.
Required amounts of financial security based on:
1 day - UAH 1,412. + 7060 UAH;
5 days - 7060 hryvnias. + 7060 UAH;
10 days - UAH 14,120. + 7060 UAH;
15 days - UAH 21,180. + 7060 UAH;
30 days - UAH 42,360. + 7060 UAH;
FZ = (20 x Pmin): 30) x (CD + 5);
FZ = (20 x 1412): 30) = 1142 x (1412 * 5 = 7060).
аватар dusik1981
well, since July 2019, male citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to enter Ukraine, but again, in 99 cases out of 100 they pass the "second line" check
аватар Slav_na
= 30 days - UAH 42,360. + 7060 UAH =
fuck off! when, I wonder, will our pensions be paid such a pension?
аватар dusik1981
YaSlavnaYa 50 bucks per person per day in most countries of the world, this is the amount per day for foreigners, and you will see that you haven’t ridden Schengen for a long time.
аватар dusik1981
Austria - on an individual basis;
Belgium - 45 euros - foreigners staying with private individuals; 95 euros - foreigners who stayed at the hotel;
Hungary - 3 euros per day;
Germany - 45 euros per day;
Greece - 50 euros per day, minimum 300 euros for 5 days.
Spain - 71 euros per day;
Italy - 270 euros per person for up to 5 days, for groups of tourists less;
Latvia - 14 euros per day;
Lithuania - 40 euros per day;
Liechtenstein - 91 euros per day, 27 euros - for students;
Luxembourg - the minimum amount of funds is determined individually;
Malta - 48 euros per day;
Netherlands - 34 euros per day;
Norway - NOK 500 per day;
Poland - PLN 300 for a stay up to three days, PLN 100 per day for a stay of more than 3 days;
Portugal - 75 euros plus the amount at the rate of 40 euros per day of stay;
Slovakia - 56 euros per day;
Slovenia - 70 euros per day, 35 euros for minors accompanied by parents;
Finland - 30 euros per day;
France - 32.50 euros - persons with
аватар dusik1981
confirmation of the availability of housing; 120 euros - persons who cannot confirm the availability of housing;
Czech Republic - 40 euros per day up to 30 days;
Switzerland - 91 euros per day, 27 euros - for students;
Sweden - 47 euros per day;
Estonia - 86 euros per day;
so in Ukraine it’s not the highest threshold., just before you go somewhere and then don’t ask questions like “Oh, what to do at the border they didn’t let me in, I couldn’t confirm the amount of money”, it’s better to monitor all the information.
аватар Slav_na
Yes, I'm not arguing! I'm trying to imagine where I would spend such money in Kyiv in a month...
about Schengen: I remember both prices and limits. this confused: their requirements more or less correspond to the incomes of the residents of the Schengen zone, our requirements are "terribly far from the people" (c)
аватар dusik1981
YaSlavnaYa, here are all the "coronavirus experts" now, the pandemic will end and everyone will become "visa issues experts", and for this, open all international legislation that relates to staying in a foreign country and read it clearly written on the basis of which it is calculated and everything will become clear, I wrote above on the basis of what. And it doesn’t matter where to spend or not to spend, “dura lex, sed lex” Otherwise it’s easy to be a couch “expert”, but it’s very difficult to raise the legislative base in our age of technology))
аватар Slav_na
ego manibus lavabit dusik1981
... although you still didn’t understand what I mean ... but it doesn’t matter anymore
аватар sit3d3
Phone and chat, or are we not bothering you here?
аватар dusik1981
YaSlavnaYa, I understand that you want international legislation for your finances, which, according to the classics, sing romances, died.)) but seriously, at least open the visa code, and don’t tell how everything is buzzing with vastams in the Yamalo-Nenets district. , this is what you write in another thread. So honor the laws and you will be "happy", Yes, and wash your hands with soap, because the solidarity system has never provided prosperity, this is so about pensioners and children.
аватар Slav_na
girls, calm down your mother!
I'm fine with finances both in Kyiv and in the YNAO. You misunderstood everything again.
and do me a favor, unhook with your inventions, pliiiiz!
аватар Slav_na
sit3d3 ,
Forgive me, for God's sake, that I flooded. no more
аватар Oxygen_
Good day!
Gr-in the Russian Federation, there is a RVP in Ukraine. A person has already used a one-time exit. Is it possible to get to Ukraine through Turkey?
The fact that Ukraine will miss is clear. The question is, will Russia release it? What problems might this entail?
It is not clear at all how the law sounds .. because you can leave for the place of permanent residence (in this case, Ukraine) once and this restriction applies to land and water borders. At the same time, a separate paragraph says that this does not apply to air! And further, with one more paragraph, that nevertheless, for those who are provided with a single exit, crossing the Russian border will be denied!
аватар Oxygen_
Can you give more specific information? So that people can answer more accurately! Are you just visiting? Or do you have permit docks for living in Ukraine? If just visiting without docks, then to whom? This is all important for an adequate answer! And everything that was discussed above and the conclusions you made about the closed border, this is fundamentally not true! For during the pandemic, the main restrictions in this area were put forward by Russia! That is, they may simply not let you out of Russia, and Ukraine may accept

And indeed, people are being turned around in droves!
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