Подскажите, кто недавно вылетал из Киева, дюти фри работает в Борисполе? И как пропускают на борт с этими покупками? Говорят, кроме дамских сумочек, ничего нельзя на борт брать
Tell me, who recently flew out of Kyiv, does duty free work in Boryspil? And how do they get on board with these purchases? They say, except for ladies' handbags, you can not take anything on board.
Tell me, who recently flew out of Kyiv, does duty free work in Boryspil? And how do they get on board with these purchases? They say, except for ladies' handbags, you can not take anything on board.
9 subscribers •
2020-07-165 years ago