Мать-одиночка летит с ребенком на отдых. Есть "Витяг", где ссылка на ч. 1 ст. 135 Семейного кодекса, но получена она еще 6 лет назад. Какой у нее срок действия?
A single mother flies with her child on vacation. There is "Vityag", where a reference to part 1 of Art. 135 of the Family Code, but it was received 6 years ago. What is its validity period?
A single mother flies with her child on vacation. There is "Vityag", where a reference to part 1 of Art. 135 of the Family Code, but it was received 6 years ago. What is its validity period?
5 subscribers •
2020-07-155 years ago