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come to Pochaev?
What to take and what to watch? they say in Anna's Well of Miracles, is that true?
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5 subscribers  • asked 2009-09-2016 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар akarp
What is impressive?)) Excursion?
аватар Wolga7
See - Pochaev Lavra, Holy Mountain and Anna's spring. To swim you need a nightgown / more conservative / and a scarf on your head. Take a towel with you. The water is icy, there are crowds of people, locker rooms are a room with hangers around the perimeter. But miracles do happen... For those who believe in them...
аватар danilena2008
We visited Pochaev in May of this year. We booked a room in a hotel at the Lavra in advance. On the 1st day we visited the source of St. Anna (if you are afraid of cold water, just wash yourself, I asked the priest). In the Lavra, in a kiosk where they sell souvenirs, books, icons, we ordered a guide for 50 UAH, who led a 2-hour tour of the temples of the Lavra. On the 2nd day, we visited the morning, where we venerated the icon of Our Lady of Pochaev. The most important thing is to behave like pilgrims, remember that this is a Holy place. And about miracles, they happen, if you only strongly believe. Like me.
аватар alla_lviv
My parents live 7 kilometers from Lavra. I agree - it all depends on faith. Regarding the source, there is an opinion that it primarily helps those who want to get pregnant, but also heals other diseases. It is believed that you need to plunge 3 times with your head - I personally swam on April 12 - I was inspired by what I saw - it was normal - it was not cold. By the way, everything is done there for the convenience of the pilgrim in terms of changing clothes. I advise you, when you are in Pochaev, to visit the SKIT - it is near the Lavra - about 2 km - you can go by car or walk on foot - there are several churches, one of which is with the moshes of all saints - and a well with water (they say it is also wonderful). I personally really like it there. And two stories are connected with the monastery in the family - when dad was a child - his grandmother took him to the monk with a request for help (a tumor on his neck) - now he is known as Amphilochius (his relics in the cave), and his mother was 3 years old - they had to do an operation - disc herniation is the same. Unfortunately, the elder who helped his mother died in the spring. So it all depends on faith. And yet - being in Pochaev, if something bothers you - try to leave your troubles there, take a blessing for good deeds. Good luck
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