Question about recreation center Michurino 2*

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Related question «Communication and Internet»
How can I contact Michurino Hotel?
How to contact you? tel fax soap ?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
4 subscribers  • asked 2017-09-158 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар alex45
What for????
аватар Elenka08
To whom did you send this message? Judging by the meaning of the question, you have already contacted them and want more
аватар Olgaolga153
It's best not to contact us at all.
But you can try:
phone 38 (096) 2957491
аватар Elenka08
Olgaolga153, this is how people live until retirement, and do not learn to think and do something themselves. You are spoiling the people so much.
аватар alex45
Well, there is such a breed of people who don’t want to lift a finger to do something themselves. It’s easier for them to ask. There is a section on hotels here. .Surprised!
аватар Elenka08
The trouble is that all these individuals of the breed *we eat to you* and so on, surround not only here, where you can ignore them, but everywhere, both at work and in transport, in a word, everywhere
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