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Can anyone give me a price quote for the procedures?
We are going to live in an apartment; Interested in: water, massage, electrophoresis - how much do they cost?
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2 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-0114 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар nadin65
Khokhlova Elena, a worker in a sanatorium, can organize a course.
Contact her with a question about treatment and ask for prices
аватар nadin65
Sorry, an error has occurred, something with the Internet, the employee is a different person
аватар Abigail
Reception of a therapist - 37 UAH
Bath Carra - 49 UAH
Hydromassage-35 UAH
Sour foam - 3 UAH
аватар Abigail
I was in Mirgorod for May holidays. The resort has changed for the better, they are improving it. but the prices for procedures have crept up. from April 27, approximately the following prices:
Bath Carra - 60 UAH with a ponytail
Hydromassage-52-56 UAH
Sour foam - 4.5 UAH
Uzi-35 UAH (1 internal organ)
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