24.08.15 вскрыли наш номер (как установила опергруппа милиции-не отмычкой,а ключом! средь бела дня и обокрали нас! Золото и планшет! Никто ничего не видел, ни персонал, ни соседи!
On August 24, 2015, our room was opened (as the police task force established, not with a master key, but with a key! In broad daylight, they robbed us! Gold and a tablet! No one saw anything, neither the staff nor the neighbors!
On August 24, 2015, our room was opened (as the police task force established, not with a master key, but with a key! In broad daylight, they robbed us! Gold and a tablet! No one saw anything, neither the staff nor the neighbors!
3 subscribers •
2015-08-2410 years ago