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attitude towards Russians and security
I am alone (I am 55 years old), I am going to go to Kherson to relax and meet friends who will be there. But I am concerned about the attitude towards Russians and security. As the border guards treat Russians, I'm going to go by train. My relatives dissuade me because of the difficult and dangerous situation in Ukraine. I am in thought.
I'm interested in every detail. I would be very grateful for an answer.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
10 subscribers  • asked 2015-06-0810 years ago
Answers  •  36
аватар irina10061963
Difficult and dangerous situation ONLY in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
аватар Vatamaniuk
If you are not going to preach in Kherson about the Russian world, then believe me, the attitude will be normal, because after all you are a client.
And tell your relatives to watch Russian news less))
аватар agent_borabora
Ukrainian border guards are only interested in people of military age.
Border guards and customs officers have an indifferent attitude towards women, children and pensioners.
аватар trekyb15
аватар Adrenalin77
If you are an adequate person - you are welcome. Feel free to come visit and meet with friends. At the same time, you can speak in any language convenient for you. The main thing is not to discuss the theory of a worldwide conspiracy against the Russian Federation and do not walk down the street with the Russian flag.
аватар trekyb15
yes, even with a flag, no one will touch, I am a Russian person, I have been living in Ukraine for 35 years, believe me, I feel comfortable and no one offends, a lot of far-fetched ...
аватар irina_1901
For many years we have traveled by train through Ukraine to Bulgaria with Russian passports. Even last year we drove normally, but, in fairness, I’ll say that attention to us was somewhat increased compared to other passengers who had Belarusian passports (we travel from Minsk). The son is a young man. We are human beings and you can see it. Therefore, the Ukrainian border guards wished us a happy journey and a good rest. They told us not to worry, everything is calm, except for the eastern region, but we were driving away from it.
аватар lazy_person
From the answers themselves it is already clear ... "just don't argue," "don't do that, don't do that." I, a Russian, have been in Kyiv since 1966, I'm not comfortable...
аватар alex45
I just met relatives from Nizhnevartovsk, citizens of Russia. The women crossed the border with ordinary documents, the man received an invitation from relatives in Primorsk, Zaporozhye region, certified by a notary. The border guards did not even look at these pieces of paper. People are already swimming in the sea.
аватар alex45
And from the Internet - "To cross the borders, foreigners and stateless persons must present a passport and special permits issued by the territorial body of the State Migration Service. Citizens of Ukraine must present any identity document. A special permit is issued in case of: close relatives living in these regions or family members of foreigners or stateless persons; location of burial places of close relatives or family members there; death of close relatives or family members who lived in the Donbass and Crimea; ownership of real estate located in the Donbass and Crimea; the need to participate in ensuring the protection of the national interests of Ukraine; the need to carry out diplomatic and consular functions; the implementation of regular trips related to the labor activity of railway workers. This applies only to Crimea and Donbass. Kherson is not in this zone.
аватар irina_1901
valdemar2011. People do not go to Ukraine to live, but to relax. Naturally, in the current situation, it is not worth provoking people to political discussions and, moreover, waving Russian flags on the territory of the independent state of Ukraine. This is clear to all normal people. If you feel uncomfortable in Kyiv, then you can move to Russia. But I'm not sure you'll be more comfortable there. Life is very difficult everywhere right now.
аватар lazy_person
alex45, it's clear that this ("Special permission") does not apply to Kherson, and then the question was asked by a woman (55 years old), and not a guy at 33-40. It's easier for a woman. But her question also concerns the "moral climate" in the country, where from every corner they shout about "the enemy - the Muscovite." If she wants to quarrel with her friends, then she definitely needs to go and chat.
аватар lazy_person
Poola, thanks for your smart recommendations like "Suitcase ... Station", but somehow I can handle it myself. I just answered the woman who asked the question, not you, let her know that not all Russians are comfortable.
And then you read your comments, and everything is "milk and honey ..."
аватар irina_1901
valdemar2011 I repeat, people do not go to live in Ukraine, so your comment is off topic. I have no doubt that you can do it. But I would not wish anyone to live where he is not comfortable. Here we are not comfortable in Russia and we live in Belarus. This does not mean: Suitcase-station. This is a sale. Therefore, my comments, as you put it, "milk and honey." We just feel comfortable!
аватар trekyb15
but this discomfort did not stop living in Ukraine since 1966 .... maybe everything is in your head ????
аватар alex45
Valdemar2011. I also understand that Kherson is not Crimea, but not Kyiv, where activists again set up tents on the Maidan yesterday. Fine, I understand that this is a 55-year-old woman, so I wrote that I met relatives from Nizhnevartovsk, citizens of Russia, women , who are easier, only need a passport, the guy needed an invitation, WHICH THE BORDERS DID NOT LOOK AT. And the moral climate we have is different, in the south it is more loyal to the Russians, though.
аватар alex45
And the discomfort did not prevent me from living in Ukraine since 1966, and even from being born here. She just showed up!
аватар lazy_person
alex45, we all perfectly understand what Crimea and Kherson are, what the "South of Ukraine" is, we also understand why it is "more loyal to the Russians" there ...
trekyb15, You are right ... probably something with my head.
аватар kolyan_cat
I think that Waldemar is a provocateur. I am an ethnic Russian, originally from Samara, living in Kyiv ...for eleven years and I feel absolutely comfortable.
On the subject - Matilda, go and don't worry about anything. There is no aggression etc.
аватар alex45
Yes, you are not looking for provocateurs.
The person expressed his opinion that it is different from yours, but it happens. And we want to cut one size fits all.
I also laugh when I see that the poles, fences and bins are painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and I think how you can disrespect your flag so much to paint the dustbin like that.
Specifically, I answered a 55-year-old woman with an example from my family. They are already swimming with might and main, the sea is warm.
аватар prosto3000
I live in Ukraine. Center. If you are going to this country (first 1,2,6 - 100%):
1. get the original invitation (notarized) (form? - tel. 0445276363 Border ServiceU.)
2. international passport
3. availability of money. funds (in any currency) for the first day 4000 UAH, subsequent 800 UAH/day
4. Return ticket
5. Accommodation booking
6. Absence:
Zello programs, ringtone "Farewell of the Slav", your pages, in the same place, VK, FB, Odnoklassniki such as "Antimaydan", "For Russia", etc., and photos in cells. tel. from Victory Day with St. George ribbons, on Red Square;
calls to the ATO zone (by the numbers "Where" you can see the region)
newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with an interview with the GDP, green cotton socks;
tattoos "VDV", "For the Victory!", hematomas on the chest, shoulders, knees;
"St. George's ribbon", in any form, paraphernalia of the Russian Federation, etc.
smart facial expressions.
On the territory of Ukraine, a Russian (ka) should not express thoughts other than those generally recognized. For study, 7-10 days before the trip, the most effective way to solve the problem is to watch "Channel 5" and "1 + 1" on the Internet TV of Ukraine. At least 3-5 hours a day. Russian TV - do not watch in full. With acquaintances, before the trip, do not talk.
And everything will be fine!
аватар alex45
I already wrote here that an invitation is required only for men. Women, the elderly, and children do not need an invitation (they found out personally at the Border Service). Clause 2 is presented when crossing the border, copies are not needed. Clauses 4,5 are not required. .6 - utter nonsense. And if the information is even half false, you can not believe it.
аватар lazy_person
matildar22, read, think carefully. As you can see, you can go, but it is not recommended to open your mouth, otherwise, inadvertently, these indignant "ethnic Russians" will not only call you a "provocateur", but you can also become a "terrorist" at 55 ... inadvertently, again.
аватар prosto2000
I live in Kyiv, I speak Russian, I didn’t vote for Poroshenko, I don’t see painted dustbins, and I don’t hear from every corner about the “Muscovite enemy”.
I feel comfortable living in Kyiv. If someone is confused by garbage cans painted by morons that exist in any country, and it is uncomfortable to live in their city, then this is their problem. Problems need to be solved, not whined on the forums. There are whiners in all countries, even super comfortable ones.
matildar22, come to Ukraine. Nothing threatens your health. But worldview shock is guaranteed to you. As it was for me, when I was in Soviet times, I went to a real foreign country. It turned out that everything I was told about this foreign country was not true.
аватар trekyb15
Painted dustbins, embroidered shirts and the rest in yellow and blue ---- it is better to show your patriotism in this way than with a gun and hailstones, this is how love and devotion are expressed and no one will die and suffer from this than by war! and tell me I'm wrong!
аватар alex45
You know, there is patriotism and there is nonsense. Hanging the national flag on your balcony, or, as I saw in Italy, grown flowers in the front garden in the color of the Italian flag - this is one thing. Here and ... vyshyvanka will do!
But to paint a trash can like a flag or a rickety fence, you don’t need to have brains in your head at all (it’s better than painting, repairing the fence!). Therefore, let's close this topic, everyone has their own concepts. And about peace, who is against it. Peace is always better than war.
аватар alex45
I have an old example. Even under Soviet rule, I was riding a train and I see outside the train window a rickety, with a collapsed roof, either a barn or a farm, but above this "structure" - the slogan "Forward to the victory of communism!" And then, and now there are dumb-headed people who will pervert any idea and turn it into a parody. Agree?!
By the way, on your avatar, Skadovsk is painted red, no one wants to repaint it?
аватар alex45
And everything is so simple.
NATIONALISM - love for the nation, PATRIOTISM - love for the Motherland. We have many nations in our Motherland, so if you single out one of them, then .... I hope you will think of it yourself. And then, a Ukrainian is not necessarily a Banderist, a nationalist is not necessarily a patriot. not necessarily good, but how everything is twisted. Here, even on this branch, there are so many different things.
аватар trekyb15
alex45-Skadovsk has already been updated in color, the photo is old in the avatar and I like it, I am for a peaceful solution to the situation and this demonstration of symbols is not the worst everywhere, but that the fence has not been repaired? as in the classics - chairs first, then money!
аватар prosto3000
"Russian" "Ukrainians" are always welcome. As long as there is something to take from him.
Propaganda is not always agitation or information.
Nationalism is not love for other nations.
if a member who speaks Russian says that he is "Russian" and at the same time does not like Russia, Russians for the most part (even if he lives in Kyiv), - he is a member of the New Nation of Ukrainian Patriots "UkroP", an aggressive, militant "dill" - "ukr". He can speak Russian, be born in Moscow, have a Russian mother and be "Ukr".
"Ukrami" is controlled by "Jewish Bandera" (Jews who violate the Torah, they are hated by true Jews).
"Jew Banderites" are controlled by "Pindos".
"Pindos" (in the broad sense - "Anglo-Saxon"), the original enemy of the "Russian" (Great Russian, Little Russian, Belorussian, Russian Tatar, Russian Chechen, and other Russians).
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