Question about hotel 8 Milia 2*

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On cleanliness and measures to prevent the spread of infections
Do you boil laundry after the girls of easy virtue, information about which is scattered throughout all the rooms? Are you afraid of the police? I repeatedly witnessed how my colleagues ordered prostitutes for their rooms.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-1212 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар Oleksii64
And you continue to work with these, so to speak, colleagues!!!!! Horror !!!! At least demand from them before entering the office a certificate from a venereologist!
аватар Elenka08
in fact, tourists communicate here, and they certainly don’t digest anything after your colleagues
аватар travelsita
Yes, and the vehicle would not hurt to have a certificate, since it rotates in such a "collective". Do not forget to wipe the table, door handles - you never know what.
As for the police - watch the series "Damned Paradise" - then everything will become clear. The film, though naive, but there is something in it.
And it is best to address questions directly to the hotel administration through their website.
Turpravda is a site for tourists. There are other sites for sex tourism.
аватар alex45
Well, why, I would recommend boiling not only bed linen, but also underwear, you need to disinfect all this, preferably with bleach, check for fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches from these "terrible" women, at the same time and demand a copy of the hotel's health certificate from these so-called colleagues, as well as a video of this event. You never know!
аватар natali2110
....... and if colleagues bring girls of difficult behavior? Any elementary school teacher or nurse? After them, do you need to boil bed and underwear? (a rhetorical question)
аватар alex45
Still, this is... bad behavior, probably limited to chlorination only!
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