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Question about recreation center Zolotoi bereg 2*

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Please tell me what kind of sea is there? Is the bottom deep or shallow?
I don't want it to be deep
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5 subscribers  • asked 2014-03-3011 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар agent_borabora
Shallow near the shore, deep in the sea away)
You probably wanted to ask: "After how many meters from the shore, the depth becomes more than human height?"
аватар _ryzhic_
The Sea of ​​Ozov is there! That is, it’s not deep, not so transparent, it’s difficult to compare with Black. But if you ask about the “House by the Sea”, it doesn’t matter what the sea is like there, inside the house it’s super. The tan is uniform, it lasts all summer and autumn. in tents, the sea is not suitable, but if you are with children and want to really relax, you are there.
аватар tata57
The sea in Berdyansk is AZOV, not Ozov! Indeed, it is unclear, but warm and very gentle, smooth entry into it along soft sand. Almost immediately deep on the Spit. Unfortunately, I don’t know where the Gold Coast is located. more about native Berdyansk :)
аватар natagrigoro
At what address are the tent camps located in Berdyansk closer to the sea
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