Question about hotel Selge Beach Resort & Spa 5*

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What drink?
Can you please tell me what is the deal with alcoholic drinks? Is there local baileys and martinis? What is there anyway? Thank you in advance.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-10-0114 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар papa74
"Are there local baileys and martinis?"
Martini local in Italy, Baileys like Irish?
They will stuff anise crayfish and smelly gin, beer and body wine.
аватар 2046006
In Turkey, they make a type of martini and a type of Baileys, we drank it all in a good hotel in Belek. It is slightly different, but very similar and quite tasty. Please answer someone just the question is or not! No need to teach me the geography of drinks.
аватар papa74
In Selge you can make a drink from ants and cockroaches, there is plenty of it;)
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аватар ira_podoroji
We spent the night in this hotel during the advertising campaign in the spring, there was a martini and a local baileys.
аватар 2046006
ira_podoroji thanks for the specific answer
аватар papa74
Isn't it easier to drink a REAL martini and Baileys bought in duty free?
аватар 2046006
Not easier. Bought in duty free, then carried back to Kyiv and stands in my bar. And at the hotel we drank what we paid for. The only time in Egypt they drank what they brought with them, because from the juices there were only Jupis and it was impossible to drink cocktails. In Belek we drank their Baileys and Martini and it was very wonderful.
аватар iho4ka
In May, when there was no martini and Baileys, there was Campari, but to be honest, all alcoholic drinks are full of badyaga. Beer is generally terrible, and after wine (you drink 100 grams) your head hurts terribly ...
аватар lina-ufa
No and no again. The beer was terrible, the wine was disgusting.
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